F-200 In-stock At Play Asia

Hint, hint nudge, nudge
Haha yea, well its good to have an "official" new thread announcing it. Im sure plenty of people wont notice the others.
At the moment im a bit strapped for cash but when the time comes I will get me a f-200 units & try out those touchscreen games, I might even get two to show my gf that th DS is gay.
stormyandcold said:
"Waits for first reviews" :)
*Takes seat beside him*

I've been putting off getting a GP2X for a while now because of the F-200. Kinda sucks it only comes in white though...
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trapperjohn117 said:
stormyandcold said:
"Waits for first reviews" :)
*Takes seat beside him*

I've been putting off getting a GP2X for a while now because of the F-200. Kinda sucks it only comes in white though...

Hmmm comming from someone with an enormous Apple logo avatar it is a bit odd. Isn't everything Apple makes *white* :P
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DaveC said:
trapperjohn117 said:
stormyandcold said:
"Waits for first reviews" :)
*Takes seat beside him*

I've been putting off getting a GP2X for a while now because of the F-200. Kinda sucks it only comes in white though...

Hmmm comming from someone with an enormous Apple logo avatar it is a bit odd. Isn't everything Apple makes *white* :P

Not everything...some things actually come in different flavors...or two tone.

Still their main colors are black and white.
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Mutka said:
Just thought someone might want to know they are out finally :D
GP2X F-200 @ Play-Asia

I live in Canada and am waiting for GP2X Store to get them in-stock.

Personally I thought this was news :P

if you live in Canada why wouldn't you buy the F200 at www.gamersection.ca? I'm curious because I was just about to order from there. I get tired of paying extra duty on all the imports.
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Especially now with the Cad dollar at a high (since the twerps at gamersection.ca actually have USD prices)

They're a reliable shop though, with quick delivery, I'll give them that :)
Aha. That's good news, I'll carry on ordering my F-200 from GamerSection.ca then. Same price and I don't have to pay about $15 to customs. That and it should arrive quicker.