Err, I Have The Dumbest Damn Question About Xp.


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
I swear, i've looked all through the windows directory, and I havn't found it.

One of my old websites has pretty much died, and I wanted to retreive some page info from it and images (not on harddrive besides the temp net files)

This is a pretty humbleing question, Because I pretty much built this PC from the board up and have been keeping it running like new for 2 years now :P

Where do I find the temporary internet files in windows XP?
why dony you just seaxrch your computer for the word temporary...

I think it is in (if my memory serves me correctly): C:\My documents and Settings[User name]\Local Settings\temporary Internet files

It's definitely somewhere around there...
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And nah, this is MY pc, So I can lookit porn whenever I want :lol:

And thanks for the info guys, Now to dredge up my old stuff from the site.