Entware Paypal


OMG 3 years here!
Jun 11, 2003
Bournemouth, UK
I am not a happy bunny.

I have just purchased 10,000 points by individually buying 1000 points over and over again....why?

Because, when you type in the quantity of points you wish to purchase, entware then sends the total price of the points to paypal, along with the quantity. Paypal then uses the quantity again to multiply the total price, thus making you pay an extortionate price for the points due to a misunderstanding in the maths.

Has anyone else experienced this problem, and is there a way around it?

I have to use paypal because I only have a debit card.
Damn, i'm in the exact same position as you (Visa Electron Debit Card/Paypal account), only I haven't purchased any mileages yet.
I'm still planning to do it real soon though cuz of the moviepark thing..only hope this doesn't happen with me :unsure:
i'm sure they'll refund your remaining money seeing as though (i think) you did let em know about this.
Thye've now fixed it, I got an e-mail from entware (after they declined 18 of my repeated mileage purchases) but paypal is down at the moment until 3AM which means I know have to wait for my game......
I think it's instant with credit card payments, but with Paypal it takes a while cuz they gotta check it or confirm it, I'm not sure.
But yeah I've just finished buying Mileage Points for moviepark using paypal, but I don't have any points yet! dunno what to do.. :(
They check paypal between 8.00am and 9.00pm Korean time (whenever that is) and you'll recieve an e-mail from them telling you that they have recieved payment. After that simply log out and back in again.