Emulators On Gp32 Blu? *not Yet Purchased Question*

its like i said a few posts up, all the people complaing are the ones that havent tryed it, they just heard what it might do and preach that as the truth, then more people read it, and asume cos so many people are talking about it in a bad way that its not a good thing to do, when really none of these people a. have tryed it or b. have a clue what there talking about as they are just copying what they heard someone else say.

To the thread starter & anyone else reading this thread, read up on it before you do it, but make sure the advise you take, be it good or bad, is actually from people that have tryed it.
This is slightly off topic but how much are used or new (if there any left) gp32's? It might be worthwhile to pick one up as a backup emulator handheld or one to be left in backpack.