E-books on the GP


Jul 25, 2003
I have some e-books in the pdf format and i'm sure theres no pdf veiwer for the gp, so does anyone know of a way to convert them to text files so I can use lazy reader to view them? I have found some but they're only demos that can do 2 pages at a time, I'm kinda hoping that someone knows of any freeware programs.

@Neomorpheus - There are plenty of freeware disasembaler thingies to rip the text from PDFs. just look around. Try www.downloads.com, www.wareznet.net and the like

This seams a good place to slot a question in without starting a new topic :):

Is there an eBook reader for GP32?
Its coming out in squares nd shit coz of the encoding take a look at websites thee inm western format and so are pdf itll just take a bit of fiddlin.
You only need the free reader to select text. in the control bar select the little button with an 'a' and the text select symbol on it. this lets you copy text.
Well it works! just not with MY pdf file!
I've now tried a few different programs and keep getting a load of crap in the text file, so I can only assume that my pdf IS somehow protected. :angry:

Thanks for all your replys

Send me you PDF, and I'll have a go. Sounds like a character encoding problem to me............
that sounds like the pdf uses a font that you have not on your system,
select all the text in a textediting programm and select another font.
there are also some kind of font extraction tool. it was pdf2font i think.