Dust Problem


Mar 18, 2005
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Hope someone can help :). The other day, while playing on my GP32, I noticed (what I thought at the time) a bad pixel. It actually turned out to be a (rather large) spec of dust or something in the center on the screen which was distorting the colour of a couple of pixels. Now this is the weird part. Having switched off my GP32 and back on again, the spec had actually moved quite a distance :wacko:. It seemed that every time I stitched my GP32 off and on again, the spec would move. Currently, it is at the edge of the screen (phew!) but who knows where it might end up next. What would be causing this to happen and how would it have got there? I have a BLU+.

Hard to say that from here, but I guess the dust must be right on top of your screen (behind the plastic protection) or even behind the screen itself and on the luminent foil (is that the right word? I'm talking about the shining plastic the BLU gets the light from).
If it is the first, then you could easily open up the screen (no need for screwing, just pop it out with a toothpick) and clean it out.
If it's my second idea, well. You could do the same but would have to take out the whole screen first.

Or you could just wait until it moves off the screen completely. :)
I haven't switched the unit on yet but it has returned to the centre of the screen again :o. It seems to just move on it's own (maybe my GP32 is posessed :unsure: ). To try your first suggestion, do I just wedge something in between the grey border and the white case of the GP32? If this is the correct way, will it snap back ok once I'm finished?

Be careful when pulling out the screen cover. I took mine out a while ago, and now it doesnt really fit as well as it did. Some of the light from the FLU shines through the sides. <_<
geo12 posted on Aug 15 2005 at 04:09 PM said:
Be careful when pulling out the screen cover. I took mine out a while ago, and now it doesnt really fit as well as it did. Some of the light from the FLU shines through the sides. <_<

OK, thanks :). I searched for a few posts regarding removing the front screen and the horror stories with doing so (some worked, some had problems). Rather than mess around with this, I think I'll leave as is and just put this at the back of my mind.

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GA01 posted on Aug 15 2005 at 02:44 PM said:
I haven't switched the unit on yet but it has returned to the centre of the screen again :o. It seems to just move on it's own (maybe my GP32 is posessed :unsure: ).

Maybe it's some kind of small animal, like a tiny insect or a mite. It sure seems to move around a lot. ;-)
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Dryer Lint posted on Aug 15 2005 at 04:52 PM said:
Maybe it's some kind of small animal, like a tiny insect or a mite. It sure seems to move around a lot. ;-)

Maybe I should spray some insecticide though the front speakers. That would sure get the pesky critter but probably mess up my screen in doing so :lol:

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Axeman posted on Aug 15 2005 at 07:42 PM said:
Best thing to do with dust is live with it! It's possible to do more halm than good, especially for FLU owners...

I went to get some dust and broke the flu light and now cant find anyone who replaces them.
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