

Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2008
Essex, England
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If you've heard of Megaupload.com or Rapidshare.com and used similar services, you've probably worked out they kinda suck. Well, my friend just showed me this:


It's a live web syncing folder that's treated like an actual folder on your PC (You do have a web interface too if you prefer, which should work with the Pandora), and best of all it's free. You can share the files to others too, with a direct, easy to access link. No annoying wait times!


It's all really legitimate, and I didn't believe how good it was until I used it! It not only allows fast access to the files you upload (I got 1.1MB/s download from it when downloading a 350MB file!), it keeps a revision history of every file you upload! And, they don't take any space from your 2GB file limit. It literally is every revision, every time you make a save/change to the file, it'll back that one up, whilst keeping the other versions backed up too, with time/date/version number attached. Click "restore" and it's back!

I think the reason it's so free is because it's in beta now (It all seems VERY stable though)

If you're gonna sign up, use this link!


We both get 256MB extra storage free! You can also refer other people the same way. And since it works in both a browser and/or a small app you can download, it'll work fine on the Pandora! I'm definetely using it to help me keep the files synced.

As a side note, the logo looks very Pandora-ey, being an open box and all!

Apparently, the client is actually open source, so someone can recompile it maybe! In fact, any experts here know if this is possible/easy? Thanks!

In fact, this video descibes it better than I ever could:
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Already have a dropbox account :P

And the installers on the DropBox page will NOT work on the Pandora, but there are other 3rd-party, open-source tools to access DropBox.

DropBox isn't really such an extraordinary service like you describe it; I prefer using my own server (260 GB storage :P) or GitHub (for code etc)
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'dflemstr' said:
Already have a dropbox account :P

And the installers on the DropBox page will NOT work on the Pandora, but there are other 3rd-party, open-source tools to access DropBox.

DropBox isn't really such an extraordinary service like you describe it; I prefer using my own server (260 GB storage :P) or GitHub (for code etc)
I know the APP doesn't work! It's all in the web interface. You know, in firefox!

Alas, I do not have a huge server for that sort of use. For free, I thought it's bloody great! Thanks for confirming, I was a little worried that I'd be accused of lying/begging for referals. I really think it'll work great!
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'dflemstr' said:
And the installers on the DropBox page will NOT work on the Pandora, but there are other 3rd-party, open-source tools to access DropBox.
So if you go to the linux client page, download the source package and compile it on the pandora it won't work?
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Or you could just ask me politely and get unlimited space for big files. Or use Google Code if it's open-source. :P
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'atomicthumbs' said:
Or you could just ask me politely and get unlimited space for big files. Or use Google Code if it's open-source. :P
That's very nice of you, but I'd constantly feel like I'm imposing! Also I couldn't offer anything back :(
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lingenfr said:
So if you go to the linux client page, download the source package and compile it on the pandora it won't work?
It will, but the installers won't :P
But I didn't know that they had open-sourced their clients, n1.
But there are better ways to connect to DropBox; there are nautilus extensions and KDE plasmoids to do the job much better imho (although we won't have any of those on the Pandora in the beginning).
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Thanks for the info, just signed up with your referral. Looks useful :)
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'dflemstr' said:
'lingenfr' said:
So if you go to the linux client page, download the source package and compile it on the pandora it won't work?
It will, but the installers won't :P
But I didn't know that they had open-sourced their clients, n1.
But there are better ways to connect to DropBox; there are nautilus extensions and KDE plasmoids to do the job much better imho (although we won't have any of those on the Pandora in the beginning).

Just to be clear, I downloaded the Ubuntu deb and it works great. Thanks for the clarification. This response is much clearer than the first.
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'lingenfr' said:
Just to be clear, I downloaded the Ubuntu deb and it works great. Thanks for the clarification. This response is much clearer than the first.
Uhp, should I add/clean up anything from the first post then? Sorry for any confusion!
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'Eversmile' said:
Uhp, should I add/clean up anything from the first post then? Sorry for any confusion!
No, your post was fine. Following posts created confusion that has since been resolved. Thanks for the post.
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Note that this is a duplicate post of several previous ones:

"Drop box?" www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=45108

and these in other forums:

"Private Online Folder" www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=47097
"File Hosting > 1mB" www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=45326
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'Squidge' said:
Note that this is a duplicate post of several previous ones:

"Drop box?" www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=45108

and these in other forums:

"Private Online Folder" www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=47097
"File Hosting > 1mB" www.gp32x.de/board/index.php?showtopic=45326

Ok, well, those died I think. And thanks for the update, i'll search next time. Also, it's not exactly a duplicate. I've gone more into detail.
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Woah, this is awesome, it's so speedy too <3

This will be very useful for swapping games/roms about if I can't be bothered to fiddle with USB cables/memory sticks
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Does Gmail Drive still work? I never really tried it but it seemed like a great way to exploit the amount of storage space Google gives you (7gb now!).