Drmd Speed Problems


Still Fresh
Jun 24, 2004
Las Vegas, NV USA
I am not sure if this is happening to anyone else, but some games on DrMD are running at a slightly faster rate than they should. For instance, games that run at a correct pace are sonic 1, golden axe, revenge of shinobi. A couple that I have tested that run slightly faster are ecco1, Crusader of Centy, turtles hyperstone. Is this happening to anyone else?
yeah i think this was a known issue since the last release? this update was supposed to implement saves/zip/etc, i think he said he wasnt working on improving emulation on this update last i checked (haven't scoured the readme yet, so i may be wrong)

either way give it some more time.. very impressive
This is still a WIP but it is great. As was said the emulation part will be next to get refined. I think it is great as it is now, think about it. Even if there is the odd slow music or glitch here and there it is still fantastic what has been done. I am happy for what it DOES do.

Now reporting bugs is always a touchy subject. It is very hard to report bugs without sounding like you are bitching or moaning. I always feel in a tough spot while doing it. On one hand I would like to report something that may HELP with the beta testing of the emulator. On the other hand I feel guilty for saying something negative about someone elses HARD WORK that was done for FREE. Maybe if there were a section set aside for bugs/suggestions that would be good, not sure.

Anyway This is a great emu! :)
As far as I remeber reesy did say that he WASN'T working on emulation again yet, he was basically tarting up the existing emu, new menu, saves etc.

but tbh even if he left it in this new state it is still more than I thought likely to be made for the gp32_console.
Hahaha, I never thought someone would ever say the Genesis emulator is running too fast :)

Anyways, it may be possible if you're using PAL versions of games, which have been changed to make them run a bit faster (so they run the same speed as the NTSC version).
However, in an NTSC based emulator, these would run a bit too fast.
c0ncept posted on Dec 15 2004 at 02:15 AM said:
As far as I remeber reesy did say that he WASN'T working on emulation again yet, he was basically tarting up the existing emu, new menu, saves etc.

but tbh even if he left it in this new state it is still more than I thought likely to be made for the gp32_console.

Well for this release he said that emulation wasn't going to change much. He said that he was getting the "boring" UI stuff out of the way for this release and then go back to massaging the emulation later. I can't find the post but I remember it. Anyway it is great now.
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And to think ... a buddy of mine was bragging that he had a Genesis emu running on his Xbox. :lol:
Thunderforce 3 runs fast for me. I thought the game was kind of hard normal speed :D

Also I am getting single character names for many of my ROMs, instead of the normal ones. Is anyone else getting that? Do I have corrupt headers or something? Is there a way to fix them?

EDIT: I found that you must keep the filename in the .ZIP file the standard long one with all of the U, !, etc in it. If you re-name them they won't show up correctly.
TelcoLou posted on Dec 15 2004 at 02:49 AM said:
And to think ... a buddy of mine was bragging that he had a Genesis emu running on his Xbox. :lol:

So show him your GP32 running DrMD and ask him which one he would rather carry around with him, the GP32 or Xbox :D
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Fergus posted on Dec 15 2004 at 01:29 AM said:
I am not sure if this is happening to anyone else, but some games on DrMD are running at a slightly faster rate than they should. For instance, games that run at a correct pace are sonic 1, golden axe, revenge of shinobi. A couple that I have tested that run slightly faster are ecco1, Crusader of Centy, turtles hyperstone. Is this happening to anyone else?

Yes the sound engine is currently hacked at 60fps sound. But if you run a (E - Europe ) game, they are designed to run at 50 fps, so when they run on my emulator the sound is being played at 60 fps rather than 50 fps. So it sounds fast. I've got to do some work on the sound engine anyway, so hopefully I fix this problem

DaveC posted on Dec 15 2004 at 03:06 AM said:
Thunderforce 3 runs fast for me. I thought the game was kind of hard normal speed :D

Also I am getting single character names for many of my ROMs, instead of the normal ones. Is anyone else getting that? Do I have corrupt headers or something? Is there a way to fix them?

EDIT: I found that you must keep the filename in the .ZIP file the standard long one with all of the U, !, etc in it. If you re-name them they won't show up correctly.

This is how DrMD works out the filename.

First it checks if the file is a zip. If it is it then gets the CRC from the zip header information and does a lookup on the GOODGEN database to find a correct rom name. If this fails the filename from the zip is used.

If the file is not a zip, the CRC is calculated ( slow!!!) and then this CRC is used to lookup the rom on the GOODGEN database. If a match is found the rom name from the database is used, other wise the short dos file is used.

The moral of this story is.....USE ZIPS!.

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