Dragon's Lair - September 16 (C4A competition)


Staff member
Mar 4, 2003
Welcome to the Dragon's Lair!

The Rules:
Each month, I select two C4A-enabled games.
Each first place will win a voucher of 30 EUR for the DragonBox / Everdrive shop, which can be used for anything there!

However, I will fight among you!
If I have the highest score of the game within that month, then the price will not be claimed.
But don't be afraid: I don't have THAT much time to play, and I'm getting old, so my reactions aren't as fast as they were a few years ago.

Everyone can try as often as he / she likes, but no cheating allowed.
The monthly competition ends when the next month starts.

And here are the games for September 16:

1. Ghouls'n'Ghosts Remix
2. Retrobattle

Good luck! :)
That's true, but at least there is a time limit, so you can't stay in the same level forever.

Though I'm not sure if that's enough to fix the problem as the game does get really difficult really soon, and at that point it's probably more efficient (at least score wise) to just keep shooting the enemies until the time runs out, rather than trying to progress and getting killed immediately.
Though I'm not sure if that's enough to fix the problem as the game does get really difficult really soon, and at that point it's probably more efficient (at least score wise) to just keep shooting the enemies until the time runs out, rather than trying to progress and getting killed immediately.

Yes, that's what came to mind.
Hi @levi :)
FWIW, retrobattle doesn't use the fusilli c4a client, so make sure you're online while you play that. But the good news is that G'n'G-remix does work offline.
Retrobattle is actually using the fusilli client, and high score is cached locally, so there's no need to be online when you play. Your high score will be submitted next time you're online.

@EvilDragon : thanks for chosing my tiny port for this competition :)

Cheers, Magic Sam
Ah, interesting. I was using the fact the sparrow c4a manager didn't report it had anything to submit, but if the game caches it locally then that's not a complete test. It's not quite ideal for me as I often play offline then just use c4amanager to submit my scores, but in this instance I'll just have to remember to load retrobattle. Do I actually have to play a game for it to submit my score?
Hi @levi :)

High score should be submitted when you exit the application (if your local high score > your C4A high score, of course).

Cheers, Magic Sam
@Magic Sam : I haven't checked how your are doing, but to use the cache feature of fusilli you should store a highscore with:
fusilli --cache push myawsomegame 1234 0
to cache only the highest score for myawsomegame in the fusilli cache. Of course, this is for when highest score is best (for the rare case where lowest score is best, use --backwardscache instead of --cache).

Then, at the end of your runscript, do:
fusilli emptycache
to try send the score to the server. There are kept in the cache if not online.
This is how I do in my games.
Hi all,

@Elw3 and @ptitSeb : Well, I asked @Ziz whether fusilli could use both --cache and --test-me or not...

Since that's not possible, I removed support for caching (with fusilli) and set up --test-me instead, in order to avoid duplicated scores on the C4A server...

Caching (with fusilli) is not mandatory, as the game already saves its high scores locally, in plain text, in appdata/retrobattle-magicsam/.config/retrobattle/topscore...

You can have a look at my runscript inside the PND if you want, caching commands should still be in there, although commented off.

Cheers, Magic Sam
In retrobattle, i dont get why sometimes you get a bonus from time and sometimes not. I know if you died once there is always none, but sometimes it says randomly no bonus....
took me several times to upload the score in retrobattle...
Geez i thought i am bad at this, but now seeing that i am at the second place... i have to get serious till this month ends.
Congrats to @fayer3 for his top highscore on Ghouls'n'Ghosts Remix.
@Elw3 Very well done, fighting until the last minute. I don't think next time i would have so much luck, ;)

I hope next compo is as challenging as this was, ;)
I wasnt in my best form yesterday so i stopped playing.
The only consolation for that is that @fayer3 kicked you in the butt the same way :D
But really, we should stop doing this up to the last minute.