Doom Help

The instructions are in the zip file containing the .FXE. All you need is the .FXE file in /GPMM, then you make a DOOM directory under /GAME, and put your WAD file(s) in it.

So many files? You need to make one directory and copy two files. How hard can it be?
Without sounding sarcastic or mean, let me just say this is one of the reasons many folks shy away from the GP32. I know of 2 people who won't get one because it's "too complicated" to use, load games, etc... :P
Very true. What would help for newbies is if someone created a complete guide to the gp32. Instructions on games, website links, what's out there, various encoding guides etc. They should all be together as one file. Maybe even a book :D
also, Vintendo i really really really suggest using the SEARCH feature on you problems or the faq page before posting problems. In the end people will resent helping you if you keep asking newbie questions that are in the faq. Trust me i know from experience!
Personally I can never get the doom1.wad file to load into my /Game/Doom folder properly. Every time I try to load in a Doom .wad file, it gets to about 3.14 MB, stops for a second, then continues to load in until the loading screen disappears on my PC and the file never shows up in my directory. I've been able to load in the doom .fxe file without trouble, so I'm not quite sure what to make of it... Is there an additional utility I should be downloading in order to play Doom? All I have so far is a mostly empty 128 MB smart media card (I loaded in one MP3 to make sure it worked OK), free launcher and viewer installed, and an "authenticated" version of the GP32 PC-Link Host program.

I can start up the fxe program, just unfortunatley I can't get the doom1.wad in... Help?


Weird... I deleted the "doom" folder, then I redid it and the .wad file still didn't show up. I ended up hitting the "refresh" button and the file showed up, I started the program with free loader, and it worked... weird. Least it works. =P

Its true if your not a little PC savvy you haven't really got a chance with the gp32 (although one would wonder why it was bought...), I consider myseld pretty proficient with computers and the like and I still can't figure Frodo and caSTaway out. Though this is prolly cos I never had either of them (just missed em :))