GP2X Do I Have To Have Linux Installed?

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I don't see too much help on how to develop on GP2x other than we need SDL. From what I read from Korean developer's site, it seems we need Linux installed PC? Is there a way to cross compile it from WinXP?

From what's going on currently, I'm personally more inclined to develop ebook reader or something instead of games that I'm getting sick of making one for living at the moment.
I don't see too much help on how to develop on GP2x other than we need SDL. From what I read from Korean developer's site, it seems we need Linux installed PC? Is there a way to cross compile it from WinXP?

From what's going on currently, I'm personally more inclined to develop ebook reader or something instead of games that I'm getting sick of making one for living at the moment.

You should not run Linux, for the gp2x devving stuff, you should run it, couse its a lot better/cheaper/user Friendly, than W.
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Basically you just chose one compiler for Windows and you can test out everything you do on your regular Windows PC, just hit compile/run. And when you want to run it on your GP2X you just switch the compiler to compile for Linux/ARM. IIRC it's MingMW (or something like that, if you install Dev C++) for Windows and GCC for GP2X.
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You should never take anything posted on forums as fact, as most of it is opinion.
Or rumours. Or mis-information. That's been proven multiple times every day over the past week since the first GP2X units were distributed in Korea.
However, Mr. Mirko's comment is definitely factual :P
I'm not biting. <_<
I wasn't intending to bait, i was trying to be humorous, something this forum needs a lot more of. With the release of the gp2x nearing, everyone is very serious. Notice the :P face?
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In my experience, it's a lot easier to port SDL games from GNU/Linux to Windows than the other way around, case-sensitive file system being one obvious (though easily fixable, with some regex magic) exampel.
You should not run Linux, for the gp2x devving stuff, you should run it, couse its a lot better/cheaper/user Friendly, than W.
I hope that was posted as flamebait, because posting personal opinion as fact is not helpful.
Actually, I would think that developing for the GP2X from a Linux machine would probably be a bit easier than programming from Windows... at the very least you're developing on a machine that has more in similar with the GP2X itself (ie, system calls and such), which would probably make testing things a bit easier.

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If you are using SDL, you really shouldn't be calling any platform dependent system calls at all since the API is cross platform.