GP2X Debugging Issue Under Devc++


Still Fresh
Feb 12, 2008
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Hello folks

I'm experiencing troubles with the DevC++ debugging process. Even with 2 options checked ( generate Profiling Info & Generate debug info ), there's no way I can watch variables, use the step mode in debug ( the "Add watch" function works 1/10 times ) and the breakpoints are ignored.

I've seen somewhere that DevC++ was running less and less compatible ( I work on a XP media center Ed with Turion 64 proc ), could this be a problem between DevC++ and GDB ? I totally need a debugger to finalize my project and can't imagine using printf here and there.

Any suggestion ? ( except using Code::Blocks lol ).
If it is a problem between DevC++ and GDB just use GDB to debug your program. Also check if you compile with the -g flag.
Yup I use SDL, and it looks like the same issue than you, sometimes when I succeed in launching the debugger, the debug is exiting whereas no exit command has been sent .

I think I'm gonna give up and use the rough method ( printf religion ) because under codeBlocks debugging seems to work but I can't manage compiling for the GP2X plateform.

Instead of loosing my time with toolchain process, I'd rather focus back on real game programming.

By the way, the DevC++ I use seems to be a custom version ( 3,8mo, compiled in debug ?? ), no manage of the devpaks ( could it be a version made by GPH ?) and choosing a compiler with the interface looks quite buggy ( options checked for a compiler are duplicated for the other one ).

I should be able to post soon a little tetris like though ( yeah yeah, one more tetris stuff but it's my first game release and it has been years since I learnt programming, so please don't be too harsh on me :lol: :lol: )