Converting Wmv

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Hu, first time using gp cinema (cant blame me ive only just got a card bigger than 64 mb)

Well i wanted to convert a few of the vids from HERE, but when i try to open with vortual dub, it says that i cant convert it cos of "microsoft owning a patent"

Is there any way around this?
Hu, first time using gp cinema (cant blame me ive only just got a card bigger than 64 mb)

Well i wanted to convert a few of the vids from HERE, but when i try to open with vortual dub, it says that i cant convert it cos of "microsoft owning a patent"

Is there any way around this?

Can't quite remember if it supports it or not, but you could try downloading Windows Media Encoder and see if that can also save to AVI - you could run them thru that into AVI and then through Virtual Dub. Err, maybe??
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well running through all that stuff would make me loose quality per megabyte, or whatever.

Is it actually legal to convert Wmv?
well running through all that stuff would make me loose quality per megabyte, or whatever.

Is it actually legal to convert Wmv?

Depends on the restrictions they've placed on the file. If it has DRM, thats a no-no. Converting the file to AVI wouldn't (shouldn't) drop the quality - it should be exactly the same as long as you save it as an uncompressed AVI.
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Get hold of a very early version of virtual dub (v1.34 i think) that supports .asf and .wmv before micro$oft waved its clenched fist towards VD for some stupid law they made up. :rolleyes: Its very rare and hard to get hold of, But seek and you shall find. ;)

Here`s a couple of links that make it possible to convert .wmv to .avi and a bit of info into all of this bullshit. VD 1.3c will only do .asf files :rolleyes: , My fault.

This link is also at the bottom of the page in the first link.

Very long winded i know (Blame micro$oft), But i hope this helps.

not really a good solution
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Here`s a couple of links that make it possible to convert .wmv to .avi and a bit of info into all of this bullshit. VD 1.3c will only do .asf files :rolleyes: , My fault.

This link is also at the bottom of the page in the first link.

Very long winded i know (Blame micro$oft), But i hope this helps.

not really a good solution

Any better solutions ?

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TMPGEnc will convert a protected wmv file thing to .avi or .mpg and then run it through Virtual Dub :)
I'd go with White Demon's program choice. It ain't too bad.
An alternative is WinMPG Video Convert. It's success rate for wmv is about 60/40 though.