

Still Fresh
Apr 16, 2008
Found this incredible list of games that look like they *should* be able to be played on a GP2x from what I understand...but then again I am total n00b to the GP2x. Can anyone confirm or deny this? So many of these games seem awesome. Thanks for any input!!

[The Site In Question]

(17/04/08: Edited for rom link: Tobriand)
and that emulator is fully supported with gp2x right? also...are these games relatively hard to find? i will never ask for a link here, just asking about how common they are.

thanks again!
Yes, most of them should be playable... using the combination of MAME4ALL, GnGeo2x, & FBA2X (or CPS2emu for CPS-2).

EDIT: If you know where and what to look for, then it is relatively easy to find them. Just search for torrents for the GP2X that contains them. :P