I'm gonna turn it back and run it again
How Much Power do cold cathode lights take away from the power supply in a pc? I put two 4" cold cathodes in my iMac 333 and I believe they have a pisser of a powersupply at 80 watts or something. The two cathodes don't seem to bother anything but I want to try and fit maybe 2 more cathodes in it and I am wondering if that will take away too much power.
I like my computers to glow like the sun
and or to keep my girlfriend awake when she comes to sleep over.
I simply say " I can't turn those lights off", and she gets pissed because it is so bright. Well that was on mt gaming pc before I sold it ;-)
Cold cathode doesn't make that much heat so that shouldn't be a problem either right?
I like my computers to glow like the sun
Cold cathode doesn't make that much heat so that shouldn't be a problem either right?