

Still Fresh
Oct 15, 2005
i would like to have someone help me learn how to code and learn all about this stuff, i have the time but i need someone to help me learn because i have no clue where to start, im excellent with a keyboard, i could play a game and tell you what people like and dislike about it. The only thing that i couldnt tell you is all the technical aspects of it such as how the game runs, the codeing it requires to make the game stuff like that. so someone plz reply to this becaus im 18 and i need help
avatardoom posted on Oct 14 2005 at 10:38 PM said:
i would like to have someone help me learn how to code and learn all about this stuff, i have the time but i need someone to help me learn because i have no clue where to start, im excellent with a keyboard, i could play a game and tell you what people like and dislike about it. The only thing that i couldnt tell you is all the technical aspects of it such as how the game runs, the codeing it requires to make the game stuff like that. so someone plz reply to this becaus im 18 and i need help

Not to be crass, but perhaps go to college or buy a book. Maybe if your still in High School, try signing up for a class. If you want to start from the beginning, search for threads on the language Fenix, and read the tutorials and stickies. You could get a good start just doing some of the footwork for yourself.
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what is this language fenix that you speak of and where can i obtain it, i looked on google but all was there is some stuff about mexican schools
reaper79 posted on Oct 15 2005 at 03:49 AM said:
avatardoom posted on Oct 14 2005 at 10:38 PM said:
i would like to have someone help me learn how to code and learn all about this stuff, i have the time but i need someone to help me learn because i have no clue where to start, im excellent with a keyboard, i could play a game and tell you what people like and dislike about it. The only thing that i couldnt tell you is all the technical aspects of it such as how the game runs, the codeing it requires to make the game stuff like that. so someone plz reply to this becaus im 18 and i need help

Not to be crass, but perhaps go to college or buy a book. Maybe if your still in High School, try signing up for a class. If you want to start from the beginning, search for threads on the language Fenix, and read the tutorials and stickies. You could get a good start just doing some of the footwork for yourself.
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what is this language fenix that you speak of and where can i obtain it, i looked on google but all was there is some stuff about mexican schools
So what is fenix and where can i find it man, i mean u tell me not to double post but none of my questions have been answer, why dont u help me out instead of just replying and saying nothin but garbage
You have several choices.

Long way: Either learn a programming language such as C, get the basics down then start developing for the GP32.

Short term: Learn a scripting language like Fenix or Zot and you can almost get start straight away.

If none of your questions have been anwsered then you WAIT till they are. The guy said search around so actually try searching.

and using it I found this:

We even have an entire section on it:
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thank you i appreciate your response and im srry for double posting :) and thx for giving me a hint at least
avatardoom posted on Oct 14 2005 at 11:42 PM said:
why dont u help me out instead of just replying and saying nothin but garbage
iignotus said:
If you search around, you'll find plenty of information on Fenix.
Perhaps you should learn how to read. It might prove useful, especially if you aspire to be a programmer.
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Go here.

This is a thread in our Fenix forum (you should look around there a lot if you want to learn Fenix), it`s about how to set everything up and links to tutorials. Could ba helpfull.
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avatardoom posted on Oct 15 2005 at 04:38 AM said:
i would like to have someone help me learn how to code and learn all about this stuff, i have the time but i need someone to help me learn because i have no clue where to start, im excellent with a keyboard, i could play a game and tell you what people like and dislike about it. The only thing that i couldnt tell you is all the technical aspects of it such as how the game runs, the codeing it requires to make the game stuff like that. so someone plz reply to this becaus im 18 and i need help

ahwell youre 18 i strongly beliefe you are because you seem to me like a real genios no seriously i think you are very smart you deserve our fulest attention and help because the smart people should really get help because otherwise they couldn do start a game especially if theire 18 so i gonna tell you what you can do to becoma a super duper developer in no time without any efforts on your site man your 18 you dont need to do anything on your own so whatever here is the first place to get you startet in becoming a super developer of the code i hope this helped you kthxby lol
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You guys should ease up on this guy. I'm a noob developer too, and I've been searching for these kinds of things. You guys are saying he hasn't contributed and is expecting so much from everyone, but all he's asking for is a little help getting started so he CAN contribute. So instead of flaming him, I'm gonna give him a little help: check the forums section and click on the Fenix forums. I'm sure you'll find what you need there. And if you need any help, I'm also learning Fenix, so PM me or email me. :D
After two replies to tell him or her to search for Fenix related articles and sites he/she says after bumping up a a topic in half an hour:

So what is fenix and where can i find it man, i mean u tell me not to double post but none of my questions have been answer, why dont u help me out instead of just replying and saying nothin but garbage

To me, thats throwing it back to the helpers face. I dont any reason to be polite if he/she is going to act like that.

Even just using "Fenix" has the search term, it's only on the fifth page..
Shaking Your Fist Productions posted on Oct 15 2005 at 09:24 AM said:
You guys should ease up on this guy. I'm a noob developer too, and I've been searching for these kinds of things. You guys are saying he hasn't contributed and is expecting so much from everyone, but all he's asking for is a little help getting started so he CAN contribute. So instead of flaming him, I'm gonna give him a little help: check the forums section and click on the Fenix forums. I'm sure you'll find what you need there. And if you need any help, I'm also learning Fenix, so PM me or email me. :D

That's so touching... No seriously... I had to wring my underwear out I was so touched.
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BaDToaD posted on Oct 16 2005 at 06:50 PM said:
I'm sorry but if somone has difficulty finding a language programming in it is going to be a little difficult :D
Haha. Could point. Thats what I thought. He didn't even seem to know any of the programming langauges names.
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