Uh...you have to have the "rollback" romset if you have a newer romset like 0.103. There are certain files that don't exist in newer romsets that did in the 0.34 set...when you scan the folder of your roms using clear mame pro and the included dat file with the gp2x version, there will be a window that pops up saying all the files you are missing...if you have the rollback set, you can just drag the folder containing all rollback roms into that window and it will ask you if you want to have any roms found (for the 0.34 set) to be merged, or something like that, you click yes, and off you go...I built a full set with the rollback and the current version of the mame romset...
you're getting errors because it can't find all of those files that clear mame pro says are missing for each romset...
EDIT: oh, and you have to have the parent rom usually, I tried playing jungle hunt, jhunt, and ended up needing jungle king or junglek which had the rom files that MAME for the gp2x was whining were missing before...thus giving me an error too...whenever i come across a game that says that I just google filename of game like jhunt with the word clone
So i searched "jhunt mame clone" and found that I needed junglek...if that didn't find it out for me, I would hold down A when launching that rom and right down which files mame said were missing...then i searched for those on google, and if that didn't show me where they were located...i used the mighty SEARCH function built into windows to search my romset...