CITV 30 years old


Advanced Member
Mar 9, 2010
All weekend CITV [children's ITV, a popular kids tv channel] is playing old skool classics, including Count Ducula, Knightmare, Fraggle Rock...



2pm: Knightmare

A real first in terms of gameshows using what was state of the art computer animation to bring to life a fantasy world.

Not only was it revolutionary in terms of graphics, but it was also one of the first gameshows where winning wasn’t easy. More often than not, teams were defeated.

good for the kids of today and I'll probably enjoy a little reminiscing episode of Knightmare later myself
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Knightmare was awesome. I always wanted to go on that show!!!
You don't have a channel devoted to retro cartoons? No He-Man or Smurfs or Bobby's World at any time during the day? What a sad society you must live in. :(

hey guys

Anyone remember Galaxy High School from the late 80's. Just bought it on dvd with 13 episodes from season 1 and 2. Had to buy it on region 1 though as its not available in the UK. Also remember thunder cats, bat flink, puddle lane, the moomins, rainbow bright, wheel warriors - all which was around when I was growing up. lol

oh yeah, and the real ghost busters. That use to be my favourite
You don't have a channel devoted to retro cartoons? No He-Man or Smurfs or Bobby's World at any time during the day? What a sad society you must live in. :(

When we were growing up we only had 4 TV channels which had to cover everything. Now we have dozens of channels that cover nothing. :(
Yep, only 4 channels. I remember when my dad first got sky for us back in early 90's i think. Even that didn't have many channels as it does now. There was only one MTV channel as far as I can remember.

I also remember watching Games World on Sky 1, Game Master on Channel 4 and Bad Influence on ITV. Those days were the best.
Jesus, 30 Years? Really? I don't recall CITV being a thing back when I was 9. 

Anyway, here's to another 30 years of lowest-common-denominator kids' TV!

'only' 4 channels? Pfff - I remember when there were 3 UK channels, and regular broadcasts didn't begin until late afternoon! The only cartoons during the daytime were at noon in the 'watch with Mother' segment right before Pebble Mill at One on BBC - 'Bod' or 'Mary Mungo & Midge' were the order of the day, or some Czech cartoon about a Mole with a clockwork car, or a depressed bird who wore a half-eggshell on it's head. ITV was all programmes for schools until something like Pipkin came on after lunch. Joe 90 or Thunderbirds if you were lucky.

Bagpuss & Clangers FTW!
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