Release choria - MMORPG


Serial Porter
Aug 15, 2012
France, near Lyon
Here is choria, an MMORPG (with single player) using IrrLicht, by the same author the made "irrlamb"


I have resized the game from a fixed 800x600 to 800x480. I think it's ok, but I may have missed a few dialog. Looks playable to me.
History log

Build 03


  • Using latest sources
  • Using glshim
Build 02


  •  in sync with 0.4.1
  •  (failed?) attempt to fix item save problem

Build 01

  • Initial release
  • resized screen from 800x600 to 800x480
Here is the diff:


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Is there any chance some audio/music could be included??

Strangely I like this game because it is so old school...and I really dislike chores!!  <_<

My character moves like he drank many cups of strong coffee!!  :blink:  Man is he zippy!!!

Everything is a bit tiny here. I really did like the character icons and the choices. However my character looked nothing like the one I chose. :(

I found the right clicking to be problematic at times when buying items or battling a bird or bug  :lol:  .

It is very playable but seems beta to me. 

If I was to rate this on the repo I would give it a 3/5.

Thank you Sir.
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got hooked last night thanks for this. i keep crashing to desktop when i try and equip a sword you get from the npc up NW. i drag off old weapon then when i drag and drop other weapon in the slot crash:(

not sure if this is the right file to help you out or not but here it is pndrun_choria.txt


That's the right file, but no interesting information in here. With your description, I'll try to reproduce (but not before this weekend , sorry)
np at all i will try and take some more time to try and get around it really wanted that sword lol again really neat game thanks again
New build on the repo.

Build 02


  •  in sync with 0.4.1
  •  (failed?) attempt to fix item save problem