Castle Of The Wind??

Castle of the Winds is basically a Roguelike, though, with a slight bit of story and an oddly alluring simple stat system. Which basically means you should probably find Dzz's port of Nethack relatively appealing - indeed, you could probably nick the tileset from Castle of the Winds and insert it if you really wanted to without too much hassle.

You'd miss out on some spell animations, and the houses in town wouldn't look quite right, and of course, no Surtre at level 100, but otherwise...
Cheers for the replys. I tried to look for the source but im not really sure how otherwise i wouldnt have bothered posting. It would be really awesome if it could be ported though!
Yeah Castle of the Winds portable would rock. I think this was one of the first RPGs I played on a PC, and it brought me into the Diablo world as well :) But I don't think the source is available, since it was even a commercial product.
was considering doing something like cotw2 after ttx because I loved that game.

theres been people trying to remake it for ages and the original author has been known to allow people to see parts of the source occasionally - but in this case it wouldnt be very usful anyway as the whole thing was built off windows widgets. The only thing the source would be usful for is exact formula's for dmg and exp etc :) But whoever does this will probably be writing from the ground up.