Castaway Button Repeat Problem..


Bass Invader
Nov 1, 2003
Brighton UK
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I just loaded a few extra games to play in Castaway and since I've done it the buttons seem to repeat and it's hard to click only once, for instance the keyboard (left shoulder button) just flickers on/off and you have to press a few times to get it to stay on.....

Was using version 13.1 but now tried 13.2 and still the same thing... anyone else had this? help!
Were you messing with config files? ITs possible you set the variable which defines how long before it registers things..

But pretty doubtful :)

No idea though...

you the man!.... I copied in axe murderers captive config files, and now I see the problem -

Contents of Defaults.cnf:

print Movement
keythresh 100
vkeyrepeat 600
bind-fl ST_KP_4
bind-fr ST_KP_6
bind-up ST_KP_8
bind-down ST_KP_2
bind-left ST_KP_7
bind-right ST_KP_9
bind-b mouse-fl
bind-a mouse-fr
bind-select goto-default2.cnf

the interesting thing is that it must read the defaults.cnf file on startup, even before you select the custom config?!

I think I'll just rename the files from defaults to something else so that it doesn't jump straight into them and I can stilll use the fast keyrepeat as it works very well when switching different button mappings with the select key

cheers skeezix
Hehe, oops! :P :rolleyes: :lol:

I must admit, I didn't realise that those variable settings in DEFAULTS.CNF were actually executed in addition to the file being automatically registered as the chosen custom configuration when Castaway fired up :o I thought that they would be executed along with the key bindings only when custom mode was manually selected :rolleyes:

The ironic thing, Frolik, is that, even if you were to remove the keythresh and vkeyrepeat lines, it would only have impact upon the speed of the toggling of the default inbuild modes such as keyboard mode, whereas the speed of the toggling between the custom modes linked by goto- commands would still be super fast. This is why I had to come up with a mechanism for dealing with this uncontrollable characteristic. <_<

In case you're wondering, the keythresh setting is there to enable the pressing of the mouse button faster than you otherwise would be able to, which is useful for making multiple attacks in quick succession ;), and without the vkeyrepeat setting you would probably find yourself smashing into walls all the time when trying to move around :lol:

I think that you are right though, Frolik. Since those variable settings are definitely desirable within the game (albeit not for the reasons you suspected), but undesirable at other times, then the best solution surely is to change the names of the configuration files.

Thanks for pointing this out, as I was also experiencing these side-effects without realising that it wasn't normal as I've just recently got my GP32 :D