Carry Case


Still Fresh
May 6, 2003
Hi everyone... I have had my GP32 for a couple of weeks and althought I havent had time to fully play with it... it seems to be getting a little battered already...

has anyone got an image of the carry case offered by

I am interested in it but I need a pic first!



No picture to show you I'm afraid, but I can recomend it.

It's black, the size of your GP32 and can store your GP32, Lead, Batteries and spare SMC's........ errrrr and that's about it.
Just get a loose fitting GBA case. That's what i use and it works great. B)
HMV were selling off the official GBA carry case for £2.99 a couple of weeks ago, I got one and it fits the GP32 perfectly. It's nicely padded inside too, a real quailty item. I've even removed the 'Gameboy Advance' badge from the front.
Totally, no need to shell out for GP32 case when GBA cases fit it perfectly. I got a cool one from Game for £5 that fits it perfectly...only issue as far as I can see is the joystick on GP protrudes pretty far so make sure u get a loose padded one
do NOT get the carry case from GBAX (the official GP one) if you want something small and neat to carry your GP.... its HUGEEEEEEEEEEE, su bulky that even cliping onto your belt (which i wouldnt trust, only velcro) your triple the size of your ass*

I also got the one from Game and its awsome, perfect for a spare set of 4 batteries and some extra SMC, and its snug :)

* ass size dependand
Yeah man, but even if u aint bothered about ass size, if u clip that mother to ur belt it might pull your trousers down with its bulk!