Can somebody port...

Nah that was sheppard. Sheep is quite a recent game and it is available for PC, PSX and a few other consoles on budget. Even though Kai has once claimed that the source is available (and I'm not calling you a liar kai) I don't think it is, which is a shame because it would absolutely rock on the GP32. However a clone would be possible....
trooper posted on Jul 1 2003 said:
What is sheep exactly. :unsure:
Apart from a four legged woolly mammal. :D
Is it a sheep management game :unsure:
A sheep god sim. :unsure:
It's a game where you have a herd of sheep and you have to guide them to the exit (3D isometrical).
Only thing you can do is chase them... and keep an eye on the many traps in the game (although it's really funny to look at the dying sheep... ahh... well... the animation is funny, but I think no animal was hurt during the making of the game).

You should really try it if you stumble across a copy (should be available very cheap for the PSX)
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