C++ plus SDL1.X or SLD 2.0?


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Jan 31, 2008
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Many years ago I dabbled with C++ and Allegro, more recently (as many will know) I've used BASIC stlye languges such as GLBasic  to create numerous games for GP2X, Wiz, Caanoo and Pandora.

I don't know if GLBasic will support the Pyra, but I want to develop for the new machine - porting some of my older games and creating brand new ones for the device.

Therefore I would like to have a crack at re-playing with C++ (using CodeBlocks, probably, although I used VisualStudio back in the day) and some form of SDL. I'll be following Lazy Foo's tutorials to get back on the horse.

However, which version of SDL will be best to use - SDL 1.X or 2.0? Are the differences significant?

I will be developing in Windows (boo, hiss!) BTW.
SDL 2.0 has a number of improvements over SDL 1.x, I'd say you should use version 2.  Lazy Foo's tutorials have been mostly updated to 2.0.  Is there any reason you're using an IDE or is it just a preference?
GP2X had not SDL 2 support. I doubt Wiz and Caanoo have.

The GCW Zero, the Pandora and the Pyra have support. Any following device should have SDL 2 support, too.

E.g. I have problems with SDL 1.2 and fullscreen redrawing of a whole scene, because the flip (!) is too slow.
 Is there any reason you're using an IDE or is it just a preference?

I've always used an IDE. Wouldn't even know how to compile code written in a text editor. Plus an IDE will help with error catching - spelling, syntax and compile problems etc.

I doubt I'll be going back to GP2X, Wiz or Caanoo, so those aren't an issue (and I can still use GLB if I do). I'll be targetting Pandora, Pyra, pc and Android. SO, SDL 2.0 would be best then?

Thanks for your help :)
I found making a CMake file realitively painless, however, I still like using IDEs - primarily for auto-complete :)

I've yet to play with SDL v2, but the API doesn't seem to be massively different from v1.2 (I could be wrong though).

Allegro is always a nice option too, and supports a lot more out of the box :)
I used Make files many years ago for the Allegro stuff. As a newb back then it was hell on earth (this was pretty much before the internet help sites were any good/existed), so I'll stick with IDEs where possible! :P
CMake are easier than make files... I've still never made a makefile ;)
 Is there any reason you're using an IDE or is it just a preference?

I've always used an IDE. Wouldn't even know how to compile code written in a text editor. Plus an IDE will help with error catching - spelling, syntax and compile problems etc.

I doubt I'll be going back to GP2X, Wiz or Caanoo, so those aren't an issue (and I can still use GLB if I do). I'll be targetting Pandora, Pyra, pc and Android. SO, SDL 2.0 would be best then?

Thanks for your help :)
I'm not going to try and coerce you into using a text editor and makefiles, however, you still get all the error messages from the compiler at the command line.

SDL 2.0 would be ideal for your situation.  For the most part, SDL is useful for windowing system, audio, and input abstraction.  For 2D games it's also great, though you will need to use OpenGL (ES in the case of the Pandora/Pyra, the differences are minimal between GL and GLES) for 3D if you plan on doing so.