Button Membrane Replacements


Jan 5, 2004
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Hi, I just noticed, that my Button menbrane is broken (A-Button didn´t responde properly). Now i have to buy a Button membrane replacement. I know that GBAX sells them, but im from germany and it would be very annoying to order from the UK if its only for those small membarnes. Could you give me sites in germany, that sell those things? If GBAX is the nearest place i can get the membrane from, could someone please tell me, how much shipping to Germany would cost?

thx in advance

I don't think there are any sites based in germany that sells them. As for shipping, it would be £8 for Air Mail signed shipping (4-12 days) and £17.5 for UPS Express (24-48 hours).
yeah well, than it probably shal be GBAX. do you know if craig accepts Paypal? since i dont have a credit card or debit card, and i dont know if my Bank charges me money for sneding cheques to a non €-country?
The only options I saw from his website were:
Credit Card
Debit Card (Solo, Switch)
Cheque/Postal Order

Email orders@cdworld.co.uk because it is so small and light we can arrange cheaper shipping for you (letter).


Is it just me or is anyone else really peeved at what seems to be the inevitable need for a button membrane replacement within (in my case at least) about 12 months. Not to mention my joypad diagnals failing.

I knew my Gamepark wasn't going to approach Nintendo quality, but neverthless, given the numbers of people I've seen with similar problems, its plain that the quality really is pretty shoddy, and it pains me to say that as I love my GP32. I sure hope they plan on improving the BLU's all round quality.

Although the Zodiac had problems which I understand have been rectified, it appears to be of far superior build quality. I'd hate to see Gamepark go under for the sake of a few extra bucks on a decent joystick and button membrane.
Well i guess you've been gaming ALOT then... this proofs that te gp32_console is dangerously addictive.

But i've got (very small) technial difficuties with my GP too.

I seen to have a 'dead' pixel in my screen.
The pixel has an orangy colour, and is only clearly visible when the schreen displays black.

I suppose this happend when de postman smacked my package from li-sang on my doormat.
Guess i have to smack him on my doormat too. :ph34r:

But does anybody know if this might ba some kind of firmware problem.

Note: The correct answer may save one postmans life!!

* 15 june Holland-Germany: 10-0 *
Well i guess you've been gaming ALOT then...
Not really, as I noticed this problem after a little while when I got my GP32, and I hadn't been gaming too much at the time. Unfortunately, since then, my R button has also gotten unresponsive, in fact, A LOT less responsive. It's less responsive than the A button, which makes DOOM hell! I have to push all the way down really hard to have the darn thing register!
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Isn't it possible to use some kind of 'contact spray' (found at electrical components stores) on the button's internals.

So it would:

1- Live longer cuz its kinda lubricated.
2- 'connect' better because of the lessened electrical resistanse.
3- Smell like oil, so that when you play a race game it would be more lifelike. :blink:

I hope that WHEN this happens to my GP, the EUR release is a succes, and the service of GAMEPARK will increase.

Concerning the contact spray, i guess it's too late in your case??

But in my case, a warned person counts for 2.

* 15 june Holland-Germany 10-0 *
Ordering those button membranes at GBAX provided great value for me (living in the Netherlands). I actually got several sets - just in case ;-) I say just go for it. Maybe you can get someone who does own a credit card to order them for you.
Good luck.
im not sure, but the GBAX page itslef says, you take Bank transfers. I know my Bank doesnt charge me money, if i transfer it to an UK account. So craig, is it possible for me to pay via Bank transfer? And would it be possible that you can send me 2 sets of Button menbranes in a small letter? Just in case it ever breaks again.

Edit: just saw, your Page says you accept paypal, so i think ill pay that way. My bank is just very slow, so it´ll take some time, until the money is on my paypal account.

edit2: and how much would the shipping be as a smal letter?