Bust-a-move Clone

Shadow of Chaos

Active Member
Oct 8, 2003
South wales, UK.
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is there a possibility that some bust-a-move fan can make a clone game?

I have liked these games since the PSX - Dreamcast and i think it'd be a great game to be on GP32 since its fun and ( i should think ) not too hard to code for.

Let me know what you think.
Yep that's the one, would be great if you would accept the challenge, I haven't found a decent version that is emulateable. The gameboy one is ok, but quite minimal looking.

If you want a variation on this theme you should check out Puzzli, it works in MAME (not on gp32). Brilliant game
There's a pretty good Puzzle Bobble clone for GBA; it'll probably run well once enf65's GBA emu can support it.
some of frozen bubble is written in c, and i believe it uses sdl, but i could be wrong, wait no, i'm right. But anyway, just a suggestion, but if i was going to program this game, i would leave the screen vertical, use the joystick for the aiming, and the start button for the shooting. That's just how i would do it.
deathterrapin posted on Mar 21 2004 at 08:59 PM said:
Frozen bubble is written in perl, would need a total rewrite for gp32, so not much point.
It's not totally useless, sure its in another language, but the author of the gp32 can borrow the "how it works"
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Doctor posted on Mar 21 2004 at 10:02 PM said:
deathterrapin posted on Mar 21 2004 at 08:59 PM said:
Frozen bubble is written in perl, would need a total rewrite for gp32, so not much point.
It's not totally useless, sure its in another language, but the author of the gp32 can borrow the "how it works"
Not really needed. The game engine itself is too simplistic to require any help from example sources. There is nothing in the game that anyone who has made a Pong or Bricks clone (almost everyone does in their early programing years) cannot do easily.
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taras posted on Mar 21 2004 at 10:28 PM said:
Yeah, gamegear and snes versions are perfect. No rewrite needed.
Gamegear version has a bit outdated graphics and the SNES version is very slow (unplayable to me) even at 166 mhz. It's a very addictive game and I would love to see a good remake. For now I'm sticking with the one on my NG Pocket.
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All it needs is puzzle mode, VS CPU mode and alot of puzzles to get through.. like normally they have around 5-6 levels to each letter going all the way to Z.

Since you only need to place the balls to make puzzles you can make your own stages and i just thought it'd have great music and be a nice puzzle game to play