Building a comp...


Well-Known Member
Mar 26, 2003
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I'm building a comp in:

1 month 17 days 7 hours 26 minutes 55 seconds or
6 weekends or
46 days or
1,111 hours (741 waking hours) or
66,686 minutes or
4,001,214 seconds

And I want to know what ppls think are good thingies to put in it... (not expencive BTW ;) ) Heres the part list that I've made up:

A7N8X Deluxe Mobo
AMD Athlon XP 2500+ CPU
2 Moudles of 256MB DDR RAM (at least 333MhZ, any manufacturer)
2 Maxtor 80GB 7200RPM HDs
Asus 52x/24x/52x CD-RW
ATI 9600SE gfx card

Anything else you think is better? (that isn't expensive)?
You shouldn't buy an 9600SE, they're aren't as big of a jump over Pro card as you might think. I've heard of some 9800 pros going for $90 or something like that. Maybe I'm wrong. But don't get SE's. And I think it would be in your best interest to buy a smaller main HD (like 60 GB) then buy a larger secondary HD (I recently got a 160GB for only $100 or so). But I also personally prefer WD HD's, so I paid a little more than for a Maxtor. The main reason I suggest getting a larger secondary drive is incase your main drive fails, atleast you'll have the secondary drive holding stuff like media files and personal files. I have mine holding almost 70GB of stuff already. I'm assuming this machine will be for a lot of gaming, so your main drive will be accessed more and will be more prone to failing than your secondary drive.
What are you plannin in terms of sound?
The Mobo has onboard sound... And I'm not picky about sound, so that should be ok...

You shouldn't buy an 9600SE, they're aren't as big of a jump over Pro card as you might think. I've heard of some 9800 pros going for $90 or something like that. Maybe I'm wrong. But don't get SE's

I'm in Germany where everything is horribly over-expensive :( No way that I'm getting a 9800.....

And I think it would be in your best interest to buy a smaller main HD (like 60 GB) then buy a larger secondary HD (I recently got a 160GB for only $100 or so).

Well, I was planning to make the first drive the only one that I use, then do backups onto the other drive... And I'm in germany, so a 160GB would be muuuuuch more expensive... (prolly 180EUR or $200)

I don't like german prices <_<
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I wish I was... I am American actually, and I'm supposed to move back in a while... :wub:

Hehehe... I convinced my mom & dad to get all the pieces now (there was only one of the mobos I wanted in the store, and someone else could take it ;) ) Now I just need to convince them to let me build it b4 my bday... :P I got everything the same, except I got an nVidia FX5200 instead... I'm not going to be playing stuff like DOOM III or HL2 anyways ;)
bah, just get a geeforce 5, oh and also get a case mod :)
Too expensive... ;) The case is just going to be a normal case w/ 300W power supply (once I get it, the store is having one shipped to them...)

Oh, and now it will be:

1 month 16 days 6 hours 55 minutes 31 seconds or
6 weekends or
45 days or
1,086 hours (724 waking hours) or
65,215 minutes or
3,912,930 seconds

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hehe, math whiz.

i built mine, i have a


with a via processer? i think

and then i have a gigabyte of ram

3 60 gig hd's

d-link ethernet card

geeforce 4 ti

and my casemod has a blach light with illuminating cords, and a LED fan in front with a biohazard cover :)



a real work of art for $600
:blink: Wish that there were less taxes here... My mom and dad spent about 640EUR already (not including the case, which will be 70EUR) for it cuz of taxes :( So that would be a total of about $800 for something much worse <_<

Oh, and a countdown timer is doing that for me...

1 month 16 days 6 hours 30 minutes 40 seconds or
6 weekends or
45 days or
1,086 hours (724 waking hours) or
65,190 minutes or
3,911,439 seconds
ah yes, i live in the united states :P otherwise i would have been at one of those gp32 meets :) but i can not afford to fly to england for just a few days :( so im saving up for a new computer or im going to try and collect every snes game out there! i just need to fix my snes :P anyways, you can find the best deals for parts at , they find the cheapest stuff there.