Bor Palette


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Sep 19, 2004
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Are the scenery panels in beats of rage also limited to the colours in the pal.act file as well as the characters? The reason i'm asking is that in the manual it states that the background image can be up to 256 colours as long as it contains the colours in the BOR palette file. I've tried to save my scenery panels as 256 colours (including the colours in the palette) and i just get crazy colours when i test it. Can anyone shed any light?
open the bor pallette, then paste in your picture. I had problems with this but theres an easy was around it
Quick answer:

Char pallete: fist 128 colors (all chars with that pallete)
Stage pallete : char pallete + another 128 colors of your choice (may be diferent from level to level) = 256 colours

Another posibility is just use a unique 256 color pallete for all of your chars & stages
Paint Shop Pro. But only 'cos I haven't got Photoshop! But it works wonders for me and its easy to stick to correct pallettes by pasting frames on top of frames when creating your .gif sequences so it automatically applies it to them.

...probs does the same on Photoshop I would have thought though. :blink:
I've finally got the palette problems in BOR solved, i'm using Photoshop and i found that even if you have 256 colour images (character and background palettes combined) you have to make sure that the 1st colour in the colour table is the background transparent colour (#FC00FF). If after you get your palette together and you're sure that you're using all the correct colours and yet it still doesn't work, find the transparent colour in the colour table, take a note of where it is and swap it with the first colour in the table by exchanging the hex values.

A great Photoshop tutorial for getting a guaranteed to work BOR palette can be found HERE.

The tutorial is by drikobruschi of the Gamikaze Beats of Rage forum.