Bor Mods


Mar 19, 2005
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I found out about this site a ferw days ago and been mneaing to post it for those you were not aware.

However, the MODS here are for PC, Dremcast, XBOX you get the idea.

I thought that I would try Dante Must Kill and it works just fine!!!! It's almost 80MB but work it, just takes a little while to load.

Now before that I tried Vampires Rage and it hung up on loading the leves and gave an error syaing it could not determine the level order or some thing.

I can't remember because I deleteed it and tried the Dante Must Kill MOD.

Anyways my post it there are more MODS you can play oin your GP32 that are no under the MOD section on most GP32 websites including this one.

It may just be a matter or making some changes ot the PAK file, anyways just felt like sharing since these MODS look really good!!!! :D
vampire rage doesnt work because it used openbor...
Any mod that uses open bor wont work on gp32... Thosew that use regfular bor engine should work.. but if they dont someone find a way to make them work eventually....
Imo, that Dante must kill mod sucks...
onionfrog posted on May 7 2005 at 03:17 PM said:
vampire rage doesnt work because it used openbor...
Any mod that uses open bor wont work on gp32... Thosew that use regfular bor engine should work.. but if they dont someone find a way to make them work eventually....
Imo, that Dante must kill mod sucks...

Really, I love the Devil May Cry series for the PS2 but to each their own.... :ph34r:

That makes sense of why they won't work and thanks for the explaination.

Any one have experience making BOR MODS? I wonder how hard it would be to convert over to GP32 format? :blink:
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For the mods that use regular bor, it has to do something with editing the text files in the pack. I'm not entirely sure what it is has to be edited, but evildragon has done it for a few mods...
But for the ones that use openbor, someone would have to port the open bor version to the gp32, which might be a bit difficult... So if it uses openbor, you'll prolly never be able to play it on your gp32. :(

About Dante Must Kill, I have only played the first Dmc for ps2, and i enjoyed it quite a bit, but that mod was poorly done. Most of the enemies were ripped from other mods. The character that is supposted to be dante is just a crappy Edit of Rugal from king of fighter and looks nothing like dante... Now if someone made a Dmc mod as good as the crisis evil mod, it would be awesome!! B) :ph34r:
onionfrog posted on May 7 2005 at 03:31 PM said:
For the mods that use regular bor, it has to do something with editing the text files in the pack. I'm not entirely sure what it is has to be edited, but evildragon has done it for a few mods...
But for the ones that use openbor, someone would have to port the open bor version to the gp32, which might be a bit difficult... So if it uses openbor, you'll prolly never be able to play it on your gp32. :(

About Dante Must Kill, I have only played the first Dmc for ps2, and i enjoyed it quite a bit, but that mod was poorly done. Most of the enemies were ripped from other mods. The character that is supposted to be dante is just a crappy Edit of Rugal from king of fighter and looks nothing like dante... Now if someone made a Dmc mod as good as the crisis evil mod, it would be awesome!! B) :ph34r:

Have you tried Crisis Evil on the GP32? There is jst no love for Dante here, LOL..
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Regular BOR mods mainly need to be edited so that everything fits into the GP32's 8mb ram.
Jaw posted on May 7 2005 at 11:20 PM said:
i get a level order level error with road rash revenge.

That's why you should get my GP32 patched version here :P
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EvilDragon posted on May 7 2005 at 06:57 PM said:
Jaw posted on May 7 2005 at 11:20 PM said:
i get a level order level error with road rash revenge.

That's why you should get my GP32 patched version here :P

Cool, they don't have it linked under the BOR MOD section..
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