I'm after getting hold of a 2gb card for my GP2x, is there any particular card that people would recommend? Obviously i'd like it to be as fast and reliable as possible as well as cheap as possible
I live in the UK, so any links to appropriate websites would also be appreciated
Thanks in advance.
If you flick the hinges then you can plug the card directly into a USB port. I would think that this would be easier than carrying a cable for the 2X or a seperate dedicated card reader, and it possibly offers faster transer rates.
I have to give my recommendation to Transcend SD cards. They are one of the only cards to use SLC (single layer cell) instead of MLC(multi layer) for storage. Benefits are it will last longer and consume less power than most other SDs. Compatability is also awesome on the 2GB, which i own. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?...N82E16820163158
TimmyB, Those work ok. However they are fairly flimsy, and may break after constantly removing it. Memory is getting so cheap so fast, that if it did finally break you could most likely replace it for $10