Bbcode In Quick Edit Fails Dramatically


Jacob Godserv
Sep 13, 2007
Here's the source to a post of mine. If you remove the first (unclosed) quote in Quick Edit, and save, you'll see it call to pieces. If you save it in Full Edit, it's fine.

According to wikipedia, the sdhc standard might be able to address 2TB on a single card, but is limited in the standard specification to 32GB. The 32GB might get pushed out further, but they might also want to go to some new format to break everything and sell us a bunch of new hardware.
Might want to limit SDHC card capacity bragging to actually available card sizes. That would give a current max limit of 64GB, i think?

I've added the realistic 64GB limit, and added "theoretically" to the existing sentence. Thanks for the input.

Someone already interested might ask for specs, but most of them cant tell a ARM from another, wouldn't know what amount of ram is a good or bad one, and so on.

That's what this ad is for actually. I point a lot of people to the specs, but they all have said "meh". When I showed them this text, they changed their tune. It's supposed to explain what each spec means.

"even" firefox 3 is technically incorrect, as it plays firefox 3 with ease.

Ah, good point! Changed. :D
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