Battlejewels Tomorrow ... Any Thoughts On Shared Libs?


Internal Development
Mar 11, 2003
hey guys,

I've been super busy as hell, but I do have my BattleJewels and OutcaST nearly ready for Wiz, and possibly HAtari as well. Just I'm overtiming like hell right now :/

Anyway, BattleJewels currently uses libiconv (an older version too), shared lib. Its not in firmware, and copying it into firmware is a little much to ask of people (despite being easy to do). My thought is to just include it with the game, so the user will put the BattleJewels launch script (.gpe), the bin, and the into the same dir and be good to go. (I'll have to look up the .ini file silyness the new launcher supports, one of these days..)

We don't have any standard established yet to stick shared libs in a common location, right? (ie: We could all use LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/mnt/sd/WizLibs or somesuch, or embed the LD-path into the build script or ELF header, etc.)

For now I'll just assume to include it with my apps..

Include any libs with your apps, a couple kilobytes are a small price to pay for a reliable drop & play installation.

Can't wait to try BattleJewels on the Wiz, will this be a demo of the commercial version or will the commercial version be different?
I'm actually undecided on the content Alex :)

I've been working on a 1.5 version with lots of enhancements, and slowly towards a 2.0 version with significant changes. Course, its not like it was 2 years ago when I was coding every damned night when I wasn't doing something else .. now my little girl eats up 99.9% of my time, and work the rest :p

So my planned changes for 1.5 and 2.0 have been derailed quite a bit.

So I'm thinking of releasing BJ .. same as the gp2x one with only a few enhancements and fixes in it (slightly better AI, a few fixes, a never ending puzzle mode with no enemy for those who like their Bejewelled type play), and keep working towards the bigger brother version with more spells, more art, quests, etc.

I could probably charge a couple bucks for it, too, and hook all the Wiznoobs, but I'm reall ynot capitalistic enough for my own good. And it puts timelines onto my updates and I'm way too much of a burnt out wreck these days to handle timelines :)

OutcaST :)

Can't wait for some ole ST goodness on the Wiz.
Not sure if I have time to do a good test, but maybe I'll post it anyway. Trying to crack out OutcaST right now :)

I'll post some quick hacks soon..

if its works Im fine with it. Do we need to include /lib like so?

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I'm trying to see what GPH wants to do; I might just release this full version, but as they originally wanted it in ROM and such (but got themselves confused) I wanted to give them a few days to figure out whats up. I'll post back soon when I find out their thoughts.
