Battery consumption


Apr 10, 2003
Zurich, Switzerland
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Hi all!

I've been using my GP32 for nearly weeks now and I'm astonished that my battery usage
is so exorbitant... :o

I find myself using up a pair of batteries every day, and I don't have the time to use
my GP32 more than 4-5 hours a day. I first thought that it could be because of the
rechargable batteries I was using, but then I fed it with two high quality "Energizer e2
titanium" batteries, and it was basically the same. After 5 hours or so, they were wasted.
I was mainly using InfoNES this day, and I turned the sound to a minimum, so that's
probably not the killer power sucking application... :huh:

I thought that 2 batteries should last 10+ hours... 10+ hours of what? The bios splash
screen? :blink:

Do you experience a similar power consumption?
My GP32 really lasts around 10h with one pair of batteries - and I'm not watching the BIOS all the time ;)
Do you have the GP32 with Front Light?
Both. But it's more or less the same when I spend the whole day solely with InfoNES.
My batteries never last much longer than for 4-5 hours of gaming. I will keep book of it
for the next pair of batteries, so I have a more exact value.

I can't imagine that my GP32 is using somehow more battery power than yours. I'll
just get another pair of rechargables, so that I can always recharge one pair of them
for 24 hours. Otherwise I'm spending too much money for batteries and it's not
good for the environment anyway.
What brand batteries are you using? I cannot recommend Duracell Ultra M3 highly enough.
i hear the times are about 10 hours at normal clock speed
5 hours at 133mhz
so it would appear you are overclocking although i dont know if InfoNES overclocks or not!
The majority of the time I use GP2600 and Frodo, and I'm getting 10-12 hours, no problem, with both off the shelf AA batteries, and Radio Shack rechargable ones.

heh i went through a pair today, that was about 4-5 hours worth after putting BRAND NEW ones in
but they were crap to be fair
and i did flash my ROM
Well... so it seems that the way I'm using my GP32 usually, which means
playing mostly GPScummVM, PCE and NES, I use up a pair of rechargable
or low-price batteries in about 4-5 hours, high prized batteries last about
1 hour longer.
I'll buy another pair of rechargables very soon, because that seems to be
the only way to go without ruining myself. High quality batteries are so
expensive (about 8$ for two pairs, at least in Switzerland), and I don't
want to recycle bags full of highly toxic material every month. I'm not
big of an environmental activist, but that's just too much to have a
good conscience about it...