Batch2 questions


Still Fresh
Sep 22, 2010
Hi All,

I'm thinking about pre-ordering for batch2 and a few questions came to my mind.

- HW will be the same as batch1?

I have a BeagleBoard C3 which has OMAP3530 running at 500MHz officially, C4 has a newer silicon revision which runs at 720MHz. Which revision will be present on batch2 boards? Do you plan changing to DM3730? (I don't know if they are even compatible at pcb level).

- How can I connect an external monitor? (ok, this is not batch2 related)

SVideo is not what I'm thinking of. Is there any high resoultion solution using USB? Does the Pandora support DisplayLink, will it ever?

- Do you have a (rough) estimated shipping date for batch2?


Hi. :)

1. Not sure about that. Their intention is to keep the hardware identical, but I don't know if TI are supplying exactly the same part number. Craig or ED will have to answer.

2. USB VGA output has been done successfully. It may not be suited to gaming or anything graphics-intensive though. Not sure about DisplayLink, but also keen to know.

3. Batch 1 was supposed to be done by the end of October, with batch 2 being done by the end of the year. Not sure how good that is looking right now, the extra nub QC is taking its toll on the calendar.
- HW will be the same as batch1?
As far as I'm aware, yes.

- How can I connect an external monitor? (ok, this is not batch2 related)

SVideo is not what I'm thinking of. Is there any high resoultion solution using USB?
This thread from the other forum ought to shed a bit of light. :)

Does the Pandora support DisplayLink, will it ever?
To my knowledge, this is unlikely.

- Do you have a (rough) estimated shipping date for batch2?
The last estimate I heard for batch two was November. Bear in mind that dates can slip, though (to my knowledge, they're about to ship the 1000th unit of batch one, which totals ~4000 Pandoras).


I hope I've been of some assistance, Twinsen - and welcome, by the way. :)

(Posted from my Pandora.

EDIT: Well and truly ninja'd! I need to speed up my thumb-typing!!
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i really wish that batch 2 will start shipping this november. im really excited. plus i think that aside from satisfying my gaming needs, it can also serve as a great mini laptop that i can use for school. >.<
I do too wish that the Pandora batch 2 will start shipping in November but i would prefer quality over speed even if it makes it 6 months longer to wait.
6 months is nothing, welcome to the club, even us late 1st batchers have now officially waited a whole year
(Posted from my Pandora.

EDIT: Well and truly ninja'd! I need to speed up my thumb-typing!!
Then you are excused. Slow typing BTW. :P

6 months is nothing, welcome to the club, even us late 1st batchers have now officially waited a whole year
As of next week I will have been waiting 18 months and I'm a relative newbie. :P

Methinks Batch 1 will finish during November. This is what I have told myself to keep sane.

Batch2 will be quicker as apart from cases from China (good luck with their holidays and power supply) there would be no hardware development issues left. Depends where you are in that list. Set your expectations to Nov-Jan but be prepared for a Two MonthTM shift.

I strongly suspect that Batcher2s will not experience quite so many of these shifts as us older-timers.

If the Pandora project was a song then it would be

Oh and Twinsen! Great name BTW.

Edit2: Oh and DaMummy. You nearly said something nice to a newbie. Well Done! Good to see the therapy is working. :P
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im working on it. i think nice comments only come from a pandora keyboard. besides, im just trying to bring him back to earth so he doesnt feel all the disappointed due dates we've all faced