Bad news For potential GBA SP owners(OT)


Active Member
Mar 9, 2003
1: Lots of dust under screen cover, unusually high ratio of dust even for a GBA...

2: Some units have 3 burnt out pixels or more (!!!)

3: Some have been reported to have faulty L and R buttons (I called my EB to check on my pre-order and they mentioned a ton of defects with the first batch, (friend works there so I get the truth)

also alot of people on GAMEFAQS are complaining about it too.

Horrible news for potential SP owners, possible good news for GP32 owners.

I bet this is going to boost gp32 sales 10 fold! *sarcasm*

if people see something wrong with the sp, they will take it back and get a replacement, and the nice person at the shop will tell them that it is "the only faulty one they have seen" and "its very, very rare" ect ect yada yada yada..

but seriously, i like the look of the gp32, and am getting one in 10 days, but i dont think that these problems will slow the sales of the gba sp any bit, if you go to the bbc newsround message boards all the little kiddys are on there saying how they cant wait to get their sp's, and when i supplied a link to gbax's review of the gp32, they said it looked rubbish, and that it was a blatent copy of the gba.. i even showed my mate at school the video of the gp32 and he said it looked cr@ppy

so, i dont think anybody will care if there is dust on the screen ;)
I got my GBS SP last month from Play-Asia and have no problems like the ones mentioned above. No dust, no button problems and no bad pixels. Mine is a Japanese version, maybe the problems are only with the US released GBA SP's.
the gba sp is a peice of crap. why would you ever buy one if the regular gba is only 50-60 bucks!

PS: gp32 kicks its a$$ :D
whenever a new system/device come out, initially there's often a "bad batch" - sounds like there's no difference here. after a little while they seem to get the hang of the manufacturing and then that's all you hear about defects.

BTW I am disheartened by the anti-GBA propaganda on this forum - GBA is a great system with huge capability and without it, we wouldn't even HAVE GP32 anyway. "why can't we all just get along..."
I most definitely have to agree with the last post. I see the exact same fanboyism as there was between the genesis & the SNES & so many other systems. Why don't you get down your little cloud & admit that every system has its own advantages. If you don't have the necessary objectivity to judge systems, then refrain to do so. This board will be a better place
I certainly won't be able to play yoshi's island or golden sun on the GP32 (& don't tell me that there's a GBA emulator. Even if it reaches decent speed, it will never be 100% compatible). It's not just the power of the system that defines its quality, it the software that exist for it. And so far, the GBA has a pretty nice library of games & emus (even though there is a crapload of bad ones).
The GP32 is awesome & I love mine, but let's admit it, the library is quite limited.
As for problems, I don't think any system can boast being perfect (yes even the GP32 is not perfect - far from it), so if you have to make a comment, at least make an educated one. I have had my GBA SP (actually 3 of them) for a month & everything is working great. Don't take the case of a few unlucky people for a generality.
I sold my GBA a few weeks ago so I could put the money towards a GBA-SP... I'll still get one as ive got a load of games (many Retro type games) which I like to play. I know the GP32 is more powerful etc etc etc but who cares?! If you have both you'll have best of both worlds. :D
I prefer the GBA design to the GBASP.... and the sp is too small for my hands. I got a backlit GBA with 3 *good* GBA games (the new Zelda, import/Doom) for £50 off ebay, I think its pretty cheap as GBA afterburner kits are £25 and then all that shit hard soldering ect
GBA is a great system with huge capability and without it, we wouldn't even HAVE GP32 anyway. "why can't we all just get along..."

Without it we wouldn't HAVE gp32? UH excuse me? ......GP32 was in development for far longer than GBA... (and went through several redesigns) so what was that supposed to mean?
I got my black GBA-SP today and I'm very happy with it. No dust, dead pixels or buttons problems :)
The GBA is a great machine. So is GP32. You really can't compare them, they were made with different markets in mind. No average person is going to buy the GP32. The GBA and GBA/SP serve the standard market well (come on gameboy is the best selling system of all time including all consoles.) GP32 is for the hardcore gamer/tinkerer. I have no comercial games for it, but love it. I have a GBA with Afterburner which I installed and I love it as well. Even if all GP32 development stopped today, I think I got my moneys worth out of it.