:blink: :angry:
having bought my gp32 almost a year ago, i once again come back to the question: "where the heck is a afterburner kit for my gp32???" :angry: when i first bought it i read a topic on lik-sang, gpxtreme, and others claiming a afterburner kit is being made soon for the gp....a year later i begin to speculate. and what is this that gp's are bein sold now w/backlight MODS...and yet that kit is not sold to the public? is this a push to get more units out to take advantage of peeps like me that buckle under the desperation of waiting, and finally shoot the wad? well my gp is an awesome sys, but i never use it due to the lak of light. in fact, i have gone to the enemy: the gba sp due to the backlight (not to mention size). i would like to, at this point, get on my knees and beg Craig of gbax.com first of all to help us out there. we all know u have the kits for your mods, and yet u don't sell them to the public. i have read msg boards where the ? arises every now and again on "where is the kit at for the rest of us that alread have a gp32?" and there is never a reply to that ?. and secondly, I WOULD LIKE TO ASK THE REST OF YOU, IF YOU FIND A PLACE WHERE THIS BACKLIGHT KIT IS OFFERED, POST A URL...WE WILL JUST HAVE TO TAKE OUR BUSINESS ELSEWHERE. for somthing so simple in design, a tidy profit is to b made for places like gbax....but the lack of timelyness might loose thier gains to another competitor, as i, like many others, am :blink: quite tired of waiting! :angry:
:blink: :blink: :blink: :blink: