GP32 Ascii Painting


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2002
Croydon (UK)
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Right... I've finally managd to get Mr Mirko's SDK compiling in Windows, so then I thought I'd have a bash at the tutorials. Which went well for the first one (what I could be bothred to do to start with), before I decided to try and write something pretty basic of my own - a paint program for ASCII characters.

I've got moving of the character working fairly well, but I'm having trouble using a variable character (it always comes out as something other than what brush tries to make it - though I can replace brush with a "<character>" and it'll work in the gp_SetFont8 bits) and changing colours.

I've pasted the entire souce in, and I'm sorry that most of it is riddled with left-overs from previous experiements and thus is somewhat incomprehensible. As you can see, its based on the first of Synkro's tutorials, primarily because I couldn't be bothered to type out my own Framebuffer et al.

Any help would be appreciated. Bar the tutorial, this is my first GP32 project, and my second in C (the first didn't work though lol), so forgive me any blatant blunders I've made.
// Based on a heavily heavily modified version of Synkro's "Hello World" tutorial

#include <gp32.h>            // Includes the SDK header with all definitions

unsigned short *framebuffer; // A framebuffer pointer

void main(void)
  framebuffer = (unsigned short*) FRAMEBUFFER;

  gp_SetScreen(framebuffer, 16);

  int i;
  for (i=0; i<320*240; i++) framebuffer[i]=0xFFFF;


  int x_pos   = 150;     // This int stores the x-position of the text
  int y_pos   = 110;
  int length  = 1;     // length of the char[] to be drawn
  int color   = 0x0000; // RGB (RRRRRGGGGGBBBBB0 = 16 bit)
  char brushbank[10]  = "^*OoE#~+=-5";
  int brushnumb = 0;
  int brush = brushbank[brushnumb];
  int colorchange = 0;
  int breaker = 0;
  while(breaker == 0)
  int stopper;
  gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, 0xF000, framebuffer);

  //The next bit of code is for directional movement. No diagonals yet, though.

  while (gp_ButtonResult()&BUP)
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, color, framebuffer);
    y_pos = y_pos - 8;
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, 0xF000, framebuffer);
    for (stopper = 0; stopper < 1000000; stopper ++) {stopper=stopper;};
  while (gp_ButtonResult()&BDOWN)
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, color, framebuffer);
    y_pos = y_pos + 8;
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, 0xF000, framebuffer);
    for (stopper = 0; stopper < 1000000; stopper ++) {stopper=stopper;};
  while (gp_ButtonResult()&BLEFT)
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, color, framebuffer);
    x_pos = x_pos - 8;
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, 0xF000, framebuffer);
    for (stopper = 0; stopper < 1000000; stopper ++) {stopper=stopper;};
  while (gp_ButtonResult()&BRIGHT)
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, color, framebuffer);
    x_pos = x_pos + 8;
    gp_SetFont8(x_pos, y_pos, length, brush, 0xF000, framebuffer);
    for (stopper = 0; stopper < 1000000; stopper ++) {stopper=stopper;};

  //Now we're onto colour changing, which is proving damn hard.
  while (gp_ButtonResult()&BA)
    brushnumb ++;
    if (brushnumb = 11) brushnumb = 0;
    gp_SetFont8(10, 10, 1, brush, color, framebuffer);
    for (stopper = 0; stopper < 1000000; stopper ++) {stopper=stopper;};

  //So instead we're going to skip to channging ASCII symbols

  while (gp_ButtonResult()&BB)
    brushnumb ++;
    if (brushnumb = 11) brushnumb = 0;
    gp_SetFont8(10, 10, 1, brush, color, framebuffer);
    for (stopper = 0; stopper < 1000000; stopper ++) {stopper=stopper;};

  if (brushnumb == 0) brush = "^";
  if (brushnumb == 1) brush = "A";
  // Lets just add some clearing bits quickly
  if (gp_ButtonResult()&BSTART)
    breaker = 1;
  if (breaker == 1) break;
} // End of the "main" function
//So instead we're going to skip to channging ASCII symbols

while (gp_ButtonResult()&BB)
brushnumb ++;
if (brushnumb = 11) brushnumb = 0;
gp_SetFont8(10, 10, 1, brush, color, framebuffer);
for (stopper = 0; stopper < 1000000; stopper ++) {stopper=stopper;};

Note that line " if (brushnumb = 11) brushnumb = 0;"? It should be == instead of =. Code is behaving very strange when you forget this. ;)
Oh, and I forgot: your delay-routine sucks :D
I know, Mirko used them for his examples... He's not a role model with that. ;)
Instead try something like this:

void Delay(int ticks)
        int i=0;

which basically waits ticks * 1/128 second.
Ah, the old == / = trick that even I have fallen into. There must a compiler warning for this, I've seen it... but how do you enable it?
Thanks all!
Got it working now (at last) for both colour and brushes :D

Now all I need to work out how to do is save a framebuffer as a bmp, but that can come in future versions.