[April fool] Sc-2x


Aug 24, 2005
it's a remake from scratch of the popular Rts


Each graphic is halved in size except for the fonts, so it fits on the 320x240 screen but is still readable and playable

You use dpad to move, touchscreen to select and control units -- no f100 support, sorry guess you early adopters missed this bloat

The only thing prohibiting a public release is the fading gradient bar at the top which does not render fast enough, so the game runs at ~7fps. Once I sort that out, it's good to go yes
Overclocked on my F200 to 280 this is already quite playable. Thanks again for letting me test this great game.
Will be an amazing release.
Alex has given me permission to make a small video of his superb game. Sorry, about the bad quality.

here is the link.
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b_o_b said:
Alex has given me permission to make a small video of his superb game. Sorry, about the bad quality.

here is the link.

Impressive graphics and fps, but there's something wrong with the sound I think..
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wraggster said:
ooh very nice

i may have to buy a f200 for this baby,
Ouch, you even posted it on the DCEmu news page, but it's the 2nd of April now :P
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