Anyone On Xbox Live?


Mar 29, 2003
Hi there fellow Gpers,

Just wandered if any of you have experienced xbox live (and have it). Im assuming most of you guys are pc gamers (Due to your extreme knowledge in HW/SF and programming..
However if ANYONE is on XBL then feel free to add me to your friends or vice versa

My GT is C3DPO

My games are, Links2004, Crimson Skies, Project gotham 2, Mechassault, Rainbow 6 3, soldier of fortune 2, Magic the gathering,


Deano (C3)
ok i haven't played xbox live but plan getting it. i would just like to know how you connect it up and stuff and also i have four months free one 2 month free came with steel battalion the other with meh xbox and would like to know how thoughs work too and if i could use both at once. thanks.
I have been playing XBox live for a while now.
You can find me under the gamertag......(drum roll please).....VirtuaLeech (how original <_< ).

At the moment I am mostly playing TopSpin and DTM. Can't wait for Burnout 3.

Edit: layout
Death Gasmask
or Death Gassmask

Can't rememeber i never need to spell it
i still play mechassult
i am deffenently gonna get tflo
declaration posted on Mar 15 2004 at 07:21 PM said:
not xbox live.

I use Xbconnect.

I mainly play Halo online. :P
So do I :D What's your 'Gamertag'? Mine's Dolfhin (:D) feel free to add me to your buddy list.

I also play mainly Halo (CTF on BG :D)
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It's a PC program that allows systemlink games to be played over the internet. Also works with (illegal) copies. It is not the same as XBOX live.

urnout 3 isnt gonna be on xbox live, only ps2

Damn you EA. Oh well, just have to buy the PS2 version then.
andius posted on Mar 24 2004 at 06:06 PM said:
on topic: so you just hook your xb to tha comp and the prog let's you play online for free?!
Yes but you'll need a pretty good internet connection. For Halo +256 Kbit/s upload if fine most other games will work fine with less upload.

Check for more information.

Add me to your buddy list if you think you can defeat me with Halo.
My gamer tag is 'Dolfhin'.
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