I've seen torpor's website selling cables, but I just need one to work out what I've done to my GP2X. If anybody has one that they want to sell or would perhaps lend to me (all postage covered) I'd be very grateful...
If you've bricked it, you might need more than a serial cable to fix it anyway, so I would try to borrow a breakout board if that's the case, or even just buy one since they're kinda useful.
Well from all the stuff I've read, it doesn't sound like it is bricked - it goes through the 'Updating Firmware' screen and gets on to the green screen, but never goes further than that...
Thanks for the advice though - I might get one... Cheers
Are you sure you included all the files on the sd when you flashed the firmware? The updating firmware screen will appear if it finds any of the files, but just because it completes doesn't mean it's updated everything. It's possible you're missing a file or one of them is corrupt on your card. Did uboot upgrade ok? (do you have to hold down start+select to get it to update now?). If you're still on the old uboot then that won't check for all of the new update files. If you've got the new uboot on then it may be gp2xyaffs.img or gp2xfs.tar.gz thats not updated correctly. Try removing all the update files, then just copying gp2xyaffs and gp2xfs back on again and see if it will update fully.
Hi Woogal - what I did was follow the readme in the Firmware 2.0.0 U-Boot Updater. I copied the two files from the zip, and the files from the Firmware 2.0.0 zip and restarted. It came up with the updating screen as it does at the moment followed by the green screen (with the new firmware version) but that is all it does - even when I press Start + Select.
I'll try removing the files as you suggest and see if that helps.
EDIT: Just realised that sounds like I'm slagging off the readme - much more likely to be that I missed something!