Personally, I think ZDoom (The Linux SDL version) should be ported (because then you can play Doom1, 2, Heretic, Hexen and Strife)
And yes, I am working on it myself, before anyone tells me to do it myself... I can't even compile the Windows version yet, but just wait I'll get it eventually (er... I hope)
Currently I'm waiting for Timbobsteve(I think it's him anyway) to release his Live CD for GP2X development, as I've decided it makes most sense to try to actually compile it under Linux... (For a start, there's a guide on compiling source for Linux on the ZDoom Wiki and spread through the forums, whereas there's little help for Windows). I think the big problemo is going to be finding out where everything is in the masses and masses of source...
Also, if you know ZDoom you'll know that it's substantially different to vanilla Doom, but by changing a whole bunch of options, you can come out with something extremely close. This is, to be frank, right at the top of my wishlist- I love the ZDoom engine, which is why I'm taking the punishment of trying to build and port it . Also, it supports hi-res, so TV-out will be a good option.