An Interesting Idea for a Compact PC


Mega GP Mania
May 17, 2009
North Brunswick, New Jersey
It's called the Mouse-Box, a full PC housed inside the body of a mouse. I'm wondering what the price point will be if they manage to bring it to market, $50-75USD maybe? I'd pick one up as long as it's under $75 otherwise it's not worth it imo.

Most likely it will run Linux or possibly ChromeOS.

1.4ghz  quad-core ARM Cortex

128gb  storage

Wireless b/g/n

honestly, I'm pretty sure it's quite easy for any respectable tinkerer to add one of those stick computer inside a mouse body...
At work,did not watch video.

Some questions.



Storage space?

Connection to a monitor.

i had a asus eeekeyboard. A pc inside a keyboard. It could connect wirelessly using technically wireless usb. Range was limited, also reciever and transmitter had to "see" eachother. Fairly short range and you cant have anything in the way of reciever. Or there would be complications.

Which is probably i have not seen this at all.

Am talking about this product
While the idea is nice, having at least two cables sticking out of your mouse (and the HDMI cable will probably be sturdier than a standard usb cable) does not sound very ergonomic too me
This device is useless to all Pandora/Pyra owners - There is no hardware keyboard on it! :P
Another note on the subject.

i mean, the idea is neat, having a whole pc in the palm of your hand(kinda a smartphone)

also did they ever mention OS? now that i am home i shall cehck that site better.

but if it is gonna have any cables hanging loose, either the connector has to be damn tight and well Bolted into the board and board made of titanium, otherwise all cables are gonna fall out,

I saw a picture, that shows it having three ports at fron, two usb3 and one minihdmi.

which comes to antoher issue, three cables in one mouse will cause problems, and connect a usb hub to use, like memorycard readers and such useful stuff, or power cable?

My gaming mouse, Logitech G400s, gets a lot fo stress on the cable, i can't imagine trying to do anything with usb connectors on the mouse. so no, product is a neat idea, but not ideal for me, so no thank you. 
Well that makes two of us then, because I use one of these myself.

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I dunno... sounds like a nice idea but having a cable attached to it seems uncomfortable, especially if it's a stiff hdmi cable. But for things like presentations it could be quite nice. Other than that I doubt I'd use this... and I also never have to give talks/presentations. I love the portability of my pandora. The keyboard and the battery life are very important factors for me. Mouse input is overrated.