Amazing Amateurs' Archive #1

would you buy (more) nice games like these?

  • yeah, I'd go without food for homebrew games

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  • yeah. You've gotta love how we can edit poll answers!

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Advanced Member
Dec 16, 2009
Humble Indie Bundle #3 not good enough for you?

I offer this: the Amazing Amateurs' Archive #1

Lawsuits will be hotly contested, Trademarks and Copyrights disrespected,

Worthy Suggestions loudly ignored...
Cash ungratefully taken on board. <-- click here for the original, naughty version

Pay what you want.

If you stole these seven games separately, it would cost around $0, but we're letting you set the price!

Support charity.

You choose exactly how your purchase is divided: game developers, charity (us), or even us!

DRM free.

Also, quality free, stability free, and money-back-guarantee free.

(well, in fact they usually do work pretty good)

Pandora Compatible (if you're lucky!)

Some of these games also work great on Mac, Windows, or Linux,

the others could be persuaded to run using black magic.

We love and support the Humble Indie Bundle, parts #1, #2 and #3.

#3 is doing pretty well, with $485,000.00 after ~two days.

Note: This post was heavily edited on and/or after Thu April 14th AEST, to make it less socially unacceptable.
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:( why would you disrespect the pandora people who put an effort in trying to make games and poke fun at the humble indie bundle at the same time.

I don't see any fun in the endeavour. btw you don't mention what charity anywhere I wouldnt trust this you could be putting the money in your own pocket.

You could put your pandoria domain to much beter use.
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I am not sure whether I should laugh or be angry about this...

(also why make fun of such a great initiative like the Humble Bundle?)
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I am not sure whether I should laugh or be angry about this...

Be angry.

this isnt even witty its just plain insulting.

Didnt realize you were one of the contestants of the compo but still this could send out a extremely worrying signal to future pandora buyers seeing it as a big joke...
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Not sure whether you should laugh or be angry about this? Be Angry!!!

Well seriously now, if it's insulting, that wasn't indended. It was written 'tongue in cheek'. You guys all know that I enjoy and respect your games, and had fun with the competition. If my writing is not witty, I'm sorry that I've missed the mark.

Also, I've immediately purchased the new indie bundle, to go with my previous bundles, and am not meaning to poke fun at it in a nasty way. I admire it greatly, and always recommended it to others. It's incredible what they've achieved, hence the humorous (I hope) emulation.

I attempted to purchase our bundle too, but paypal wouldn't let me send money to myself.

LOL, lighten up! You don't recognize when someone is so plainly joking?

It's only half joking though - those insulting bits. The paypal, facebook and twitter links do work.

No cash amount, however large, shall be turned away!

Any loot conned out of foolish surfers will of course be shared amongst the shipmates, then we make them walk the plank. Aaaar!
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The problem I see with it mostly is in the title...

Arrogance to me is one of the worst characteristics a person can have and I can get really angry at such persons.

Sure at some points I might sound like I am arrogant, too and maybe I am, but I still don't like to be called out like that, especially not in regards of my game.

Also you could have at least sent a PM around before announcing that you are doing a joke like that to take the element of surprise away for people involved.

To me this "announcement" came like a punch in the face.

I see the humoristic part in it and I see how you tried to write it in a witty way and it works quite well, but not when your game is one of those pictured and you did not know about this beforehand.

I like a good joke like everybody else and in real life I am pretty sarcastic and ironic and will constantly make jokes about myself because I think if one takes oneself too seriously a little bit of life is lost - on the Internet however I dial it down a notch, because sarcasm just does not go well in text form.

That are the reasons why I said I was impartial (and still am) about this.

I think everything would be fine if you just had asked me about this beforehand (and I most likely would have said yes anyway).

foxblock out
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Arrogant is the opposite of humble. I saw this as satire immediately after reading only the title.

By the way, if you'd like a good read, pick up a copy of A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. He will explain why eating babies is not only tasty and healthy, but also economical!

Anyway, I found this funny.
I liked it however my impression was that you had been ripped off and that Humble indie bundle were ripping people off :blink:

I love satire however.

Lol, I resent my competition being called disorganised. Winners got paid? Games were made? Resounding success :p
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By the way, if you'd like a good read, pick up a copy of A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift. He will explain why eating babies is not only tasty and healthy, but also economical!

Well this I can agree with there are too many babies being born anyway!

Sorry for my harsh reactions I didnt know it was made by a participant and also I thought the word arrogant is very offensive, well I guess I just missed the sarcasm.
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I have a question before spending a certain amount of money (none) to buy this, which is whether I would also get free no satisfaction included with the archive. Because if not, then I will so definitely not spend that money somewhere else, mister.
I thought it was funny. :(

This; it's obviously parody. Besides, immitation is the sincerest form of flattery, and let's be honest, who could seriously malign the H.I.B. with a straight face?

As for cheesy/cheeky/amateurish/hurriedly-made games, sometimes they can turn out to be fun in their own right or lead to experimentation with ideas that morph into real, well-made games later: have a look at Glorious Trainwrecks or Ludum Dare.
The problem I see with it mostly is in the title...

Arrogance to me is one of the worst characteristics a person can have

Sorry FB I didn't want it to feel like a punch in the face!! I guess it was arrogant of me to do it, but it was intended as some fun, and also the start of a real software archive.

I chose 'arrogant' as the opposite of 'humble' simply for fun - I don't like to be too humble, myself! I could have used 'Proud' but it doesn't start with A.

I deleted some words from the web page, to make sure it fits nicely into 1024 pixels wide screen - and toned it down a little in the process.

I'm sad to say, have achieved totally 0 Archive purchases so far! So I cannot distribute any money to devs as of yet, since there is none.

FWIW Foxblock, I played Greyout some more last night, and it's still my fav. game of the bunch. I haven't finished it yet, but making good progress. Sometimes when I'm playing a game, I miss my stop on the tram or bus. But last night with Greyout, I missed 20 stops before I realized where I was! quite another place from where I was supposed to me. I was surprised, didn't think much time had passed. I had apparently been transported to another world for that little while, out of our regular space-time continuum.

So, I hope I'm making it absolutely clear that I do in fact respect and admire your game, and the other games. I'm sincerely sorry that my silly web page did upset you at all.

I had to say we are Amateurs rather than Indy developers, firstly to be different, and because we haven't achieved the polish, depth, or popular recognition of the games in the real Humble Indie Bundles! Those games have had a lot more work put into them, they are more complete I suppose. But I do reckon we did well, for a bunch of Amateurs!

Also you could have at least sent a PM around before announcing that you are doing a joke like that to take the element of surprise away for people involved.

Well, it could be - but I guess I was not going to do that, it's easier to beg forgiveness than ask permission and all that. I'm sorry that it came as a nasty shock.

I promise to include source, Pandora PND, and 'other OS' versions; and also a whole bunch of extra Pandora software, if anyone does buy a copy of the Archive. It will be distributed in the form of several torrents, or by plain http, and seeded with plenty of Internet bandwidth. Also, of course, I don't care at all if people share it without paying, post the torrents, etc., since I don't own any of it!

The Archive will be decentralized - any dev can commit changes. Updates can be managed using bittorrent and git (Linus Torvalds' source code management system), possibly with some scripts to assist.

I'm happy to create a nicer version of the Archive webpage, with a different name. How about Amazing Amateurs' Archive for the nice page? (I'm not joking, I'll do this - I'll create a complimentary, not-so-satirical version also.)

Well, done that now. Presenting: the Amazing Amateurs' Archive. It's nice, and even has an honest sales count!
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btw you don't mention what charity anywhere I wouldnt trust this you could be putting the money in your own pocket.

Hmm, "what charity"? I did mention NOT charity!

I would be putting (my share of) the loot in my own pocket.

This scenario has not yet been realised however,

with 0 archives sold after nearly 24 long hours!

I can see my archival efforts are tending ill-fated,

however I will persevere and produce such an archive,

rich in Pandora games and other games beyond measure,

that shall be worthy of anyone's stockpiled gold

(and also available for the stealing, as usual)

I while ago I started a somewhat similar but broader project,

which is not functional as of yet.
Man I feel like I look like this guy now, oh well


Anyway, as I said I got that it was meant as a joke, it just came out of nowhere and I also thought about how this would not look too good to outsiders, not getting the story behind it. (also I said I was impartial not actually offended)

Actually I like the sarcastic page more than the nice page ;)

Well, I guess asking beforehand next time might be a good idea or I will become the party pooper again :p

Also I am very happy to see you like my game and surprised to see someone diving into, what's like an early prototype to me, that much :eek:

I hope you will like the finished game even more.

Also the level creation guide is out now, I would love to see you creating a level or two for the game (also feel free to suggest gameplay additions to me).

foxblock out