Accurate Collision


Still Fresh
Mar 28, 2005
Hello again!!
I was wondering if there is a possibility to define a collision between a part of a sprite and another sprite... So if you want that the collision has an effect only if it occures with the left part of your sprite.. Is it possible? That's because I'm having problems to make a sword slash which doesn't follow the player sprite vertically (and i can't manage to do that..) Thanks!

Edit: that good, i found how to do !!
re edit: mh i replace my question with another: how can you do if you want that the "slash" is executed only once and not in continuous (if the kkey stay presssed, the process is exeuted only one time, not several times..) Ahem.. clearly,only one occurence of the process can be executed at time...

SORRY NOTHING IN THIS TOPIC, I found all what I wanted sorry :P