About The Review Section


Still Fresh
Aug 23, 2004
Visit site
I was lookking at the reviews sections and noticed that pretty much every review is of a game that you can emulate/play with GP32, so my question is:

Can you make reviews of .. well every game? I mean can I only review games that you can emulate or play with GP32 or is games from every system OK?

If I like feel I could make a review of uhm.. example of XBox's game Timesplitters 2, is it ok to make one and place it in the Reviews section?

Thank you.

- Totoro
You can post reviews of any type software related to GP32. Commercial and not commercial games. Utilities for Gp32 and PC (GP32 related). All good reviews will be linked from official gp32x.de Reviews section.
When writing review, try to overview software, give your opinion about gfx, music and playability (in case of games) and if reviewed program is in our download section, give a link to it.

Members comments to rewievs are very welcome but only regarding given review e.g. you want to add some more info or give you feelings about a rewieved program (but not "Yeah its cool" or "It sucks" type). Off topic commments or "Its not working on my Gp32" (Help and support forum is for such a things) comments will be deleted without warning.
And thats all :) Good luck :)

For screenschots hosting we recommend using for free http://imageshack.us/ service.

Any system that the Gp32 can emulate yes, no xbox reviews, I suppose you could post that in the other consoles section though. ^_^
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