About removable memory and SoC selection criteria


Forum Addict!
Oct 3, 2008
I caught an interesting product press release on Engadget:  Clearly these would be pointless for the existing Pandora.


It looks like there is a new standard for speed coming out.  UHS-II - and the first cards are 260MBps read and 120 MBps write.

Those kinds of SD interface speeds are something to keep in mind as SoC options are evaluated.  Finding one that can keep up with those kinds speeds or more would help future proof it a bit.

The cards are capable of over 14 times the read speed of the existing Pandora's maximum (18).
nice, I very much like SD cards xD

It will make NAND obsolete in most cases. I already run my OS from SDcard(I needed more space) and it works just fine.

; )
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