Having travelled all through East Europe, from the South Siberian Altai mountains to Ukraine and beyond, the GP2X has been with me on most of the voygaes, and I have also been playing live on it on various outdoor underground trance festivals... Here's the music I made with it while travelling, using Little Piggy Tracker (& samples of various old analog synths mostly...)
Little Piggy Tracker is also available for the Windows, so no need to upload these onto your GP2X!
1 - Everything's still fine
2 - Until the lasers of this world blaze no more
3 - Lazy on the best days of summer
4 - Tie ja vaeltaja
5 - Every hippie needs a home or a few
6 - Black stars, white sky
7 - Pirates of Fox Bay
8 - The uncounted scales of the multihued dragon that lies between the dimensions
9 - Survival of the free
10 - Searching for Shambhala
11 - Some reasons to spend time in trains