A Strange Problem-tits About Firmware Lol


Still Fresh
Dec 14, 2005
I first upaded from 1.10 to 1.2.0 but I was using the pulsar skin and we all know now the problems with 1.2.0 and custom skins so I downloaded and installed the default skin from the archive. Then I tryed to down grade to 1.10 however it did not do it, in fact when I start the GP2X with the files on my SD card it actually deletes the .img file? I then used that program to downgrade to 1.1.0 and that worked but then I tryed to upgrade to 1.2.0 again I have the same problem, it won't upgrade and actaully deletes the .img file. I don't think it is an SD card issue as I tryed it with three SD cards and all these cards work fine when running stuff on the GP2X
This means that I cannot upgrade my GP2X sooooooooooo Help :(
well, that reads really confusingly and I even read it 3 times :)

but the img file is flashed by uboot and deleted by linux on startup regardless of whether or not it is actually used. if you want to use the img file in linux, then you need to put the sd into your 2x after the menu appears.

to cure most problems and to downgrade to pre-1.2, you need to use djwillis's debricking guide, which will give you the original firmware and nand setup, you can then upgrade to whatever firmware version you like.
well I have tryed most of the stuff in the unbricking guide and still nothing, however I installed the patch from the 1.2.0 update and got all the features :? but the TV Out is displayed in square display not covering all my screen. ah well.