A Free $5 Play Asia Coupon...


Jul 20, 2007
Columbus, OH, USA
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... to the first person to develop a touchscreen app, emulator, or game for the F-200!

Yes, I know it's only $5 (and you have to spend $50 to use it), but I figured I should at least TRY to encourage someone to put the F-200's touchscreen to work! :D

Granted, the coupon expires December 27th, so I don't know if that gives much time for anything to develop, but it IS something! ;)

The way I look at it, I sold my MKII on eBay and generated enough funds to get a F-200, and I'm glad I did. Between the D-Pad (although I liked the joystick too, just for different reasons), the fact that I can now OC to 280, the better screen (IMO), and the louder sound, I'm very happy for the upgrade. I would love to develop some games, ports, emulators, or WHATEVER, but alas, I don't have a programming bone in my body, so I haven't a clue where to start. I know most of the "old guard" devs don't see the point in upgrading from MKII to F-200 and so have no interest in working on touchscreen compliant stuff for it (and of course, most are waiting for that OTHER handheld to arrive), but I'm hoping at least a few devs will be interested enough in the new possibilities to work with the F-200 (or new GP2X users who bought the F-200 and know a thing or two about programming will take interest).

Either way, even if there's never any touchscreen programs created, I'm still much happier now that I got the F-200, but it would be nice to use my stylus for more than menu hopping! :lol:
NOTE: I doubt anyone's gonna take my offer seriously anyway, but if you DO, I'm looking for the first person to develop something directly usable by the F-200, not a touchscreen development tool (like the one that was posted yesterday).
Alex. said:
Like a, tap-the-screen-to-exit game? :D
Haha, I would hope there would be more to it than that, but I did say FIRST, so if it's just a "tap-the-screen-to-exit-game" then yes, that would count. I'm just doing my part to generate a little interest in touchscreen coding for the F-200.
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i'm currently making a game that uses touchscreen, but i'll leave that prize to the others 'cause i've received already my f-200 for present to make this game :P
Eclipse said:
i'm currently making a game that uses touchscreen, but i'll leave that prize to the others 'cause i've received already my f-200 for present to make this game :P
Well, if you get yours done before anyone else, then the coupon is yours to do whatever you want with it (it's a Promo Code to use towards a purchase on Play Asia's site, so if you want to give it to a friend or whatever, you can).
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OK, everyone, we have a winner! (And MUCH sooner than I would have expected, I might add!).

DJWillis, for adding touch screen support for ScummVM!

I have to say this is pretty freaking exciting for me. I've been wanting to get into some "point and click" computer adventure games on my GP2X for awhile now, and I've even tried some (mainly on UAE4All), but found that the mouse movement was too cumbersome. But with touchscreen mouse control, such games will be much more enjoyable to play on the F-200. I'm gonna bust out some Loom in a few minutes!

Also, it must be said, DJWillis coded this update to ScummVM without even using an F-200 at all! So, I guess that just goes to show that the F-200 isn't the developer's nightmare that some are claiming it to be.

Congrats, DJWillis!
morrissey2k7 said:
Also, it must be said, DJWillis coded this update to ScummVM without even using an F-200 at all! So, I guess that just goes to show that the F-200 isn't the developer's nightmare that some are claiming it to be.
Somehow, I believe DJW has a slight alternative to a F200 ;)
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OK, then, the contest is back on! The NEXT person to debut a touch screen app, game, or emulator for the F-200 will get the superawesome $5 Play Asia coupon! Yaaaaaay!

Unless of course that person turns the coupon down too, but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it! :lol:
rokdcasbah said:
well there's meloncoke, but there might be a conflict of interest there.
I don't understand what conflict of interest there is. Is that a touch screen program? If the person responsible for the program is here on GP32X then they're eligible ;)
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