PlopperZ said:
How to I change the speed of a controlled object?
Well, I'm not sure how you're doing it now, but I'm assuming you've created a process which has a map controllable by the x and y variable. You could try increasing your x or y increment with each frame: x+=2 or y+=2 instead of x++ or y++....
Try posting some of your own source code here and we can have a look.
PlopperZ said:
How do I make a projectile move on an arc (like throwing rather than shooting)?
The motion of a throwing arc is determined by gravity. Horizontal velocity would be constant (x+=1 with each frame) but the y position would depend on your vertical velocity, which changes with gravity. The formula for distance in a gravitiational field is:
d = (1/2)*a*t^2;
So you could say y = step*step/scale.. where y increases going down on the fenix screen, step is your timestep, and scale is some factor to make sure it doesn't go too fast.
To move in a circle (which isn't a parabola like gravity), you'd use the sin and cos functions.
PlopperZ said:
How do I create make a collision with an object other than the boundry? (Sorry I know this sounds confusing, but if the character collides with a building within the game's boundries)
I'm not sure about actual collisions between maps. Fenix may have a native way to check for it.
You could do some math where one process checks the position of another to see if they've come within some distance of each other, say:
dist = sqrt((x2-x1)^2+(y2-y1)^2); // where x1, y1 is the center of first object, x2, y2 is center of second)
if (dist<10) // centers are 10 pixels apart
Processes can see each other's x and y position. You could either have a third process check for a collision, or have the main process do this, or have one of the two objects check for a collision.
PlopperZ said:
Also, are there any slightly more advanced tutorials than the ones on FenixOnFire?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Well, Fenix isn't the best language to learn programming on. In terms of learning the language itself, the fenixwiki is best.... . Sometimes you have to look at the original documentation.. Spanish to English translation can be done by babelfish in a pinch.
Hope this helps!